Team-based interventions

We offer four types of HR team interventions:

Team Coaching

What is it?

The application of well-proven principles and techniques of individual coaching, combined with team dynamics and leadership skills, to secure step-change improvements in team cohesion and performance.

Who is it for?

Any team can benefit from the support of a skilled team performance coach, although the approach is particularly well-suited to:

  • Senior leadership teams
  • Newly-formed teams
  • Project delivery teams
  • Cross-departmental or multi-company/multi-agency teams
  • Teams going through a period of significant change

How does it work?

A highly experienced coach is appointed to work with the team over a period.

Although no two situations are ever the same, typically there are a number of distinct phases with some consistent components:

Phase 1 - Contracting and goal-setting.

The coach meets with the team leader to establish the overall context and required outcomes

Phase 2 – Initial data-gathering

The coach observes the team in action, and meets individual team members, to build a picture of strategic and operational challenges, team strengths and development needs

Phase 3 - Team performance intervention

an intensive developmental event where the coach designed to deliver enhanced alignment around the team’s purpose, clarity of required individual and collective behaviours, stronger relationships, and a small number of agreed, prioritised actions designed to enhance team and individual performance

Phase 4 - Ongoing, real-time individual and collective coaching

likely to include a mix of individual coaching sessions with the team leader, and other team members where appropriate, whole-team events to consolidate progress and maintain momentum over time, observation of the team in action in the workplace, and feedback to help fine-tune performance

Phase 5 - Review and consolidation

a review of outcomes and any further development that may be required to sustain successes.

What are the benefits?

Team performance coaching is a carefully planned process of development, carried out ‘real time’ and over an extended period. This means that:

  • Enhancing leadership skills and team performance is integrated into the normal working process
  • High levels of trust and rapport develop between the coach and individual team members, enabling focused feedback to take place
  • Changes in attitudes and behaviour have immediate impact on performance, and ongoing review and consolidation means that they are more likely to ‘stick’.

Action learning

Action learning is a well-used technique to help individuals and teams tackle real life problems and challenges in the workplace. It captures the power of the collective with the group providing support and offering challenge to each other, and offers rare space for reflection and goal setting.

IES can provide facilitation to internal groups to make sure they stay on track and ensure everyone progresses with their issues.

HR strategy review/strategic review

A face-to-face critical friend session focused specifically on a high-level review of the HR or people strategy (or similar, depending on the role of the person involved).

Skills audit

An IES HR skills and knowledge audit uses our online self-assessment tool to help determine the development needs of the HR team. This can be used as a stand alone assessment but can also help to define the best use of the Knowledge Knibbles for your organisation as well as feeding into future masterclass programmes.

Some organisations choose to add to this module by buying additional days of in-house CPD for their team.

Contact us

For more information or to book a team-based session, please get in touch to discuss your requirements with us.