Provision of expertise and advice

IES researchers have extensive and often very detailed knowledge of employment policy and human resource management. Their expertise is founded on many years of developing and reviewing the evidence base; working with employers, policy makers, education and training providers and being involved in the delivery of policy programmes.

While this knowledge informs and is regenerated by our research and consultancy assignments, we are often called upon to provide expert advice to government, employers and other researchers.

As well as providing expert input on steering groups and advisory groups for major research studies, Institute researchers have also given evidence to UK parliamentary select committees and government reviews and acted as advisers to international bodies such as the EU, OECD and ILO.

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Related projects

Provision of scheduled and on-request reporting services to Eurofound
 European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound)

European Inventory on the Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning (country expert)
European Commission

Expert input to the OECD Post Secondary VET Study for England

Conference support for the International Labour Organisation
International Labour Organisation