Individually-tailored support

We offer a wide range of individual support for HR professionals. 

Personal Leadership Diagnostic

We can enhance self-awareness by offering feedback using a number of psychometric and 360 degree feedback tools, including the IES research based assessments (Outstanding Leader or Engaging Manager).


We can provide personal one-to-one coaching with one of our experts. HR and development specialists spend a lot of time developing coaching programmes for other people, yet they don’t often get the benefits of coaching for themselves. 

Critical Friend

A critical friend is someone who listens to your problem or situation, acting as a sounding board to help you become clear on the real issue and its causes and shape the solution.  We bring relevant knowledge to this conversation, take a systems perspective on how all aspects of your organisation work together and help you consider both intended and unintended consequences of actions.

We are often asked to perform a critical friend role by clients who have a specific problem and have given some thought to the situation and possible solutions, and who want to test these out with someone who is supportive yet challenging and who can bring an independent perspective. 


IES experts can also offer a mentoring relationship to your more junior colleagues.

Mentoring offers the opportunity for ongoing development through conversations with someone who really understands the HR function and the various areas of expertise.

Contact us

We want to hear from you. Please get in touch to discuss your requirements with us.

Email: Dan Lucy