Weekly vacancy analysis: Vacancy trends in week-ending 28 June 2020
This weekly briefing sets out analysis of online vacancies as at Sunday 28 June 2020. The work is funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and uses vacancy data collected by the job search engine Adzuna. The briefing sets out analysis of new vacancies, overall vacancy levels, and vacancies by area, job type and salary band. This week’s briefing also includes analysis of changes in vacancy levels by Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs).
Last week there were 85 thousand new vacancies notified, which is a decline of 24% on the previous week’s figures. After three weeks of modest rises, the latest figures are the lowest since the last week of May and suggest that the easing of lockdown has not yet led to any significant rebound in hiring. New vacancy notifications are 82 per cent lower than for the equivalent week last year, and 62 per cent lower than in the week before the crisis began.
The overall level of vacancies at 28 June was 388 thousand (shown in Figure 2). This is virtually unchanged on last week (up by 2 thousand, or 0.5 per cent), but the fall in new hiring shown above means that we can expect the overall level of vacancies to decline slightly in the coming weeks. Vacancy levels remain more than 400 thousand lower than before the crisis began, and nearly 600 thousand lower than at the same time last year.