Understanding Resilience
IES Perspectives on HR 2014
This eight-page paper offers an overview of what is meant by resilience and related terminology, to support HR when navigating relevant advertising literature and other HR information sources. It briefly covers the following aspects:
- Why is resilience needed?
- What is resilience?
- Problem-focused and emotion-focused coping.
- Self-confidence.
- Optimism.
- Sense of purpose.
- Support-seeking.
- Can anyone become resilient?
- How can resilience be developed in staff?
- How can you tell if resilience training has worked?
The paper was also published as an article in IES Perspectives on HR 2014: HR responding to threats and opportunities which is available for purchase by non-members.
It is useful background material for the HR Network seminar Understanding resilience: ensuring employee and organisational health in tough times.