Study on the Diversity within the Teaching Profession with Particular Focus on Migrant and/or Minority Background
Final Report to DG Education and Culture of the European Commission
IES was commissioned to provide Greek and Cypriot national reports for this publication, produced by Ecorys for the European Commission.
This study sought to consolidate the evidence base regarding the diversity of the teaching workforce – based on a migrant and/or minority background – across the EU28.
Against the background of an increasing diversity of learners in European schools, the study aims to:
- provide a comprehensive analysis and overview of the diversity of teaching staff in EU Member States with regards to migrant and/or minority background
- analyse the barriers to entering the teaching profession for potential candidates with a migrant and/or minority background
- map and analyse the policies, strategies and initiatives at Member State level which aim to encourage more migrants and/or cultural minorities to enter the teaching workforce, taking into account their effectiveness and impact
- develop concrete conclusions and recommendations at EU and national level, based on the evidence gathered in the study.
The study takes into account a wide range of expertise and knowledge held by different stakeholders, including the Commission, authorities in the Member States, stakeholder organisations and organisations dealing with migrants, teacher education institutions, compulsory education institutions, their staff, students and employers.
It examines diversity within the teaching profession - in relation to migrant and/or minority background - in all 28 EU Member States. Where appropriate, it also draws on successful practice identified in non-EU countries. It focuses on both the preprimary (early childhood) and compulsory school levels of education in the EU Member States. The members of the teaching profession covered by the study include teachers, teaching assistants and school leaders who currently work in schools in the EU Member States.