Helping employers support their working carers
Findings and recommendations
This report published by Simply Health and the Work Foundation is the result of discussions held at a policy workshop held in 2017. IES' senior research fellow, Sally Wilson, fed in to the workshop, which considered the experiences of working carers and how employers and policymakers could offer support to this section of the UK labour market.
In the context of an ageing population and a growing elderly population, the experiences of working carers has risen up the policy agenda. IES continues to feed into this debate, through our research, support and consultancy for employers, and through our involvement in workshops and events, like the one on which this report was based.
The report offers an in-depth background for the workshop, including a summary of the government's position with regards to working carers. It then outlines the key points from the workshop's discussion and the policy recommendations that came out of it.