Health and Wellbeing Interventions in Healthcare
A rapid evidence review
The aim of this report was to undertake a rapid review of the evidence base of health and wellbeing interventions used in healthcare and their implications for wellbeing outcomes. The findings would add to current knowledge about wellbeing interventions that are commonly implemented, if there is any evidence of their efficacy, and what future research still needs to be undertaken in this area. The review captures papers written in the English language, published in the last 10 years which focussed specifically on wellbeing interventions (both physical and mental wellbeing) in healthcare settings.
Wellbeing interventions were classified into two main categories: those focussed on treatment (i.e. interventions implemented once a health and wellbeing issue has been identified), or those which are preventative (i.e. those introduced to prevent the likelihood of reduced wellbeing occurring). Within this, distinctions could also be made as to whether interventions were primarily based on improving physical and/or mental health and wellbeing.