Evaluation of the Working Neighbourhoods Pilot - Year One
This report presents the interim findings from the first year of the evaluation of the Working Neighbourhoods Pilot (WNP).
The WNP was established in April 2004 to test a new approach to offering intensive support to help people to gain work. The pilot was targeted towards people who were without work, including claimants of Jobseeker's Allowance, Income Support, Incapacity Benefit, partners of claimants and workless non-claimants.
The pilots were operating in 12 areas, which were selected because of very high levels of worklessness and deprivation, and were delivered by a combination of Jobcentre Plus (JCP) and private Employment Zone contractors (WNP/EZ).
Essentially, the pilots tested very local approaches to overcoming worklessness: delivery organisations, JCP and WNP/EZ providers worked within the framework of Local Strategic Partnerships to determine how best to overcome barriers to work, and move local people into jobs.