Employment Outcomes for Women in London's Economy
This report identifies patterns of difference in equality outcomes between women working in the public and in the private sector in London, to help inform the subsequent development of policies for women in London's economy. The work consists of three strands:
- analysis of existing datasets to provide evidence of the relative positions of women and men in London's economy
- identification of areas of inequality
- identification of examples of employer policies and practice in addressing these areas of inequality.
The research also considers: whether there were any significant differences between the positions of women and men employed within the public and private sectors; differences in employment outcomes for women from black and ethnic minority backgrounds and white women; and the situation of women with disabilities within the workforce.
Download case studies based on the employer interviews
The IES report is an expanded version of chapter 3 of the GLA's Women in London's Economy 2008 report, which can be downloaded from the GLA website: http://www.london.gov.uk/mayor/economic_unit/wile/index.jsp
Download the technical appendix for chapter 3 of the GLA report
Download the additional technical appendix for the IES report