The 2024 Survey of the Veterinary Profession and the Veterinary Nursing Profession

Reports for the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

Campbell B, Plowden Roberts C, Robinson D, Rosolin B |   | IES | Nov 2024

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These surveys for the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) provide a snapshot of the current state of the veterinary and veterinary nursing professions, with the results providing information in a number of areas, including demographics, work status, job satisfaction and well-being, among others. Questionnaires were compiled by IES in collaboration with the RCVS, using questions from previous surveys as well as new questions and statements derived from discussions with RCVS stakeholders.

Veterinary surgeons

Veterinary surgeon respondents shared that although they found their work stressful, it gave them job satisfaction and they felt comfortable reporting and sharing mistakes. They were not satisfied with their salary/remuneration levels, but were satisfied with the support given by their line managers and others in the practice. In general, male vets were more positive about their work compared to female vets, and those with a disability or chronic condition were less positive than those without. Those working in independently-owned practices were, generally, more positive than those working for corporately-owned practices, except for flexibility and familiarity with and the use of quality improvement, where vets working in corporately-owned practices were more positive.

Veterinary nurses

Vet nurses found their work stressful but were satisfied with their job and felt they could be themselves in the workplace. They also felt that the workplace allowed them to deliver the best possible outcomes to their patients. However, they were not satisfied with their salary/remuneration level. Vet nurses thought that clients valued the work of vets, but not the work of vet nurses. They were neutral on whether they were valued by the vet profession as a whole. Vet nurses were satisfied with the support given by others and felt comfortable reporting and sharing mistakes in the workplace, but less satisfied with the support given by their line manager.

The surveys also cover how vets and vet nurses feel about the RCVS, and what the future looks like for Veterinary Surgens and Veterinary Nurses.