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  • The business-workforce dialogue

    A framework of questions to support planning in a time of change

    Hirsh W, Evans S, Green L | Apr 2013 | Institute for Employment Studies and Public Sector People Managers' Association

    The business-workforce dialogue is a tool which has been developed by a working group of the PPMA (the HR professionals’ network for local government), supported by IES. The tool is free to download and use people wish in their own organisation. Although designed with Councils in mind, much of the tool would be just as useful for other types of organisation.

  • Slides: Working together

    Bill Griffiths | Apr 2013 | Bill Griffiths Associates

    A paper prepared by the Together Team on 'Working together' and presented by Bill Griffiths of Bill Griffiths Associates at the HR Network event on 'Diverse organisations' on 25 April 2013.

  • Slides: Promoting difference

    Bill Griffiths  | Apr 2013 | Bill Griffiths Associates

    Slides from Bill Griffiths of Bill Griffiths Associates on 'Promoting difference' which he presented at the HR Network event on 'Diverse organisations' on 25 April 2013.

  • Slides: Embedding diversity masterclass

    Mary Mercer | Apr 2013 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Slides from Mary Mercer at IES on 'Embedding diversity' which she presented at the HR Network event on 'Diverse organisations' on 25 April 2013.

  • Employers are from Mars, young people are from Venus

    Addressing the young people/jobs mismatch

    Rüdiger K | Apr 2013 | Chartered Institute for Personnel & Development (CIPD)

    This report is part of the CIPD’s Learning to Work initiative, which is an action-focused programme led by the CIPD to tackle the problem of youth unemployment. The aim of the research was to explore the mismatch between employers and young people at the recruitment stage and make recommendations for how to overcome any divides.

  • Industrial Relations in Europe 2012

    Commission Staff Working Document

    Broughton A (chief editor) | Apr 2013 | European Commission Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

    While Industrial Relations in Europe 2010 noted that social dialogue had been a factor for resilience in overcoming the early effects of the crisis, this 2012 edition concludes that the impact of the sovereign debt challenge and the budgetary consolidation policies being pursued in a wide range of countries are producing more fundamental changes to industrial relations in Europe.

  • European Restructuring Monitor Quarterly - 2013, Issue 1

    Hurley J, Salvatore L, Meierkord A, Celikel-Esser F, Riso S, Broughton A | Mar 2013 | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

    In this issue: job creation and loss at a glance; case in focus – National Bank of Greece; legal frameworks of restructuring in Europe; and sector in focus – some positive manufacturing developments.

  • What do researchers do? Early career progression of doctoral graduates, 2013

    Mellors-Bourne R, Metcalfe J, Pollard E | Mar 2013 | Vitae

    Produced as part of the ‘What do researchers do?’ series by Vitae. Vitae has used data from successive HESA ‘Longitudinal Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education' surveys, each based on more than 2,000 respondents, to look at the employment and circumstances of doctoral graduates during the period of the UK recession.

  • An impact analysis of the introduction of the Apprentice Rate of the National Minimum Wage

    A research paper to the Low Pay Commission for the preparation of its 2013 report

    Speckesser S, Behling F | Mar 2013 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This study was commissioned by the Low Pay Commission in order to support the preparation of its 2013 report and aimed to estimate the impact of the introduction of the National Minimum Wage Apprentice Rate (NMWAR) on wage levels of apprentices' pay using individual level data. Our objective was to understand whether the NMWAR had an impact on pay levels and what conclusions could be drawn from this to guide the further development of the rate.

  • Organisational Values and the Role of HR

    A review of current thinking

    Culliney M, Robertson-Smith G | Mar 2013 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper considers existing definitions of values before exploring the current thinking on establishing and embedding organisational values and the part that HR has to play in these processes.