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  • Infographic: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Grants 2010-2013

    Marvell R | Sep 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The equality, diversity and inclusion grants were given to Further Education (FE) colleges and training organisations to develop the capacity of the sector to meet the public sector Equality Duty. This evaluation was commissioned by the Skills Funding Agency. It assessed the impact and value for money of the grants, and included good practice eight case studies.

  • Research into under-representation, by gender and ethnicity, in Apprenticeships

    Report for unionlearn and the National Apprenticeship Service

    Williams J, Foley B, Newton B | Nov 2013 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This project was designed to supply information about the decisions made by young people, both about careers in general, and about pursuing apprenticeships in particular. In addition, employer practices were examined in order to assess whether any aspects of their recruitment strategies act as barriers or whether any unconscious bias exists within the recruitment process.

  • Slides: Working together

    Bill Griffiths | Apr 2013 | Bill Griffiths Associates

    A paper prepared by the Together Team on 'Working together' and presented by Bill Griffiths of Bill Griffiths Associates at the HR Network event on 'Diverse organisations' on 25 April 2013.

  • Slides: Promoting difference

    Bill Griffiths  | Apr 2013 | Bill Griffiths Associates

    Slides from Bill Griffiths of Bill Griffiths Associates on 'Promoting difference' which he presented at the HR Network event on 'Diverse organisations' on 25 April 2013.

  • Slides: Embedding diversity masterclass

    Mary Mercer | Apr 2013 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Slides from Mary Mercer at IES on 'Embedding diversity' which she presented at the HR Network event on 'Diverse organisations' on 25 April 2013.

  • An impact analysis of the introduction of the Apprentice Rate of the National Minimum Wage

    A research paper to the Low Pay Commission for the preparation of its 2013 report

    Speckesser S, Behling F | Mar 2013 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This study was commissioned by the Low Pay Commission in order to support the preparation of its 2013 report and aimed to estimate the impact of the introduction of the National Minimum Wage Apprentice Rate (NMWAR) on wage levels of apprentices' pay using individual level data. Our objective was to understand whether the NMWAR had an impact on pay levels and what conclusions could be drawn from this to guide the further development of the rate.

  • Event Slides cover

    Slides: The role of higher education in social mobility

    Les Ebdon | Nov 2012 | Office for fair access

    Slides from Professor Les Ebdon, Director of Fair Access to Higher Education at OFFA on 'The role of higher education in social mobility' which he presented at the IES public policy conference on 'The value of higher education' on 28 November 2012.

  • Increasing the Participation of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in Employment: Toolkit

    Jan 2012 | German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

    This report containing IES research outlines the toolkit created as part of the IMPART project. The IMPART project aimed investigate how the European Social Fund (ESF) could best support projects aimed at increasing the participation of migrants and ethnic minorities in employment.

  • Increasing the Participation of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in Employment: Final Report

    Jan 2012 | German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

    This report containing IES research presents the findings from the transnational learning network, IMPART; a group of 12 EU partners which came together to consider how projects which aim to increase the participation of migrants and ethnic minorities in employment can successfully implement and mainstream their good practice.

  • Disability and Skills in a Changing Economy

    Meager N, Higgins T | Aug 2011 | UK Commission for Equality and Skills (UKCES)

    The UK Commission developed a series of Briefing Papers with a focus on equality and skills in a changing economy. The aim was to inform and enable connected thinking about how to enable opportunity in the labour market through skills. Each paper provided commentary and analysis for an equality group or theme: disability and skills in a changing economy; gender and skills in a changing economy; low skills and social disadvantage in a changing economy; older people and skills in a changing economy and spatial inequality and skills in a changing economy.