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Transnational Guidelines on Collective Preparation Mechanisms
Broughton A | Dec 2014 | Institut für Angewandte Wirtschaftsforschung (IAW)These guidelines are the output of the Action 'F.OR.M. PACT': multi-level and multi-actor synergies toward the adaptation to social and economic change.
Improving employment opportunities for carers: identifying and sharing good practice
Nov 2014 | NIHR School for Social Care Research (SSCR)This study collected, assessed and synthesised evidence of what works in supporting carer employment. Working in partnership with CIRCLE at Leeds University, the study included expert interviews, case study work, a survey of recent participants and secondary analysis of local labour market conditions for carers.
Regulatory Services: Officers for the Future
Summary report for policymakers
Hirsh W | Oct 2014 | Local Government AssociationThis paper, aimed at policymakers, summarises the findings of a small scale exploratory study of what have recently been called the 'regulatory services' of local government, namely trading standards (TS), licensing (L) and environmental health (EH).
'"Regulatory Services" officers of the future' - IES research findings for LGA
Hirsh W | Oct 2014 | Institute for Employment StudiesIn early 2014, the LGA Commissioned the IES to undertake an exploratory research piece on the possible direction for officer roles in council ‘regulatory services' – that is, environmental health, trading standards and licensing.
Service Integration and the Workforce
Sep 2014 | Local Government AssociationTo help support closer working, the Local Government Association (LGA) commissioned IES to undertake a series of case studies of integrated services. Four case studies have been completed and verified so far and are presented in this report. The LGA will be working on further guidance and lessons learnt based on these studies and other information.
Workforce Planning in Academic Institutions
A report for Universitas 21
Reilly P, Miller L, Hirsh W | Jul 2014 | Institute for Employment StudiesIES carried out a review of academic workforce planning for Universitas 21's HR Group, covering issues affecting workforce planning in academia; a description of workforce planning and talent management; and a consideration of workforce planning practice in U21 institutions.
Seminar: Establishing a culture of openness
IES event report
Smith M | Jun 2014 | Institute for Employment StudiesMaggie Smith gives an overview of this well-received session about openness, what it is, how it can be encouraged, and what the barriers can be.
Review of the National Student Survey - Appendix B: The Stakeholder Strand
Griggs J, Green S, Drever E, Pollard E, Williams M | Jun 2014 | Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)The National Student Survey (NSS) has run since 2004. The UK higher education funding bodies, which own the survey, commissioned research to review the purposes of the NSS and how effectively it meets them, and to make recommendations for the survey’s future shape. This set of four reports comprises a summary report, literature review and the responses to surveys and discussions with students and stakeholders.
Zero-hour contracts: the continued debate in 2014
IES Perspectives on HR 2014
Holmes J, Rickard C | Jan 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies2014 saw the continuation of the heated zero-hours debate. The House of Commons heard the second reading of a Private Members' Bill to limit zero-hours employment contracts. The findings from the government consultation, launched by Business Secretary Vince Cable, on zero-hours contracts were also due to be made available. Mr Cable had suggested that one possible outcome from the consultation would be a code of conduct for employers - which would mean that developments in this area should be on the watch list for all HR practitioners and employers
Flexible contracts: Behind the headlines
Jan 2014 | UK Commission for Employment and SkillsFlexible contracts, which include zero hours, temporary, freelance and seasonal working, are used across industries and by many different types of workers. However, the survey of workers also shows that a greater proportion of people on flexible contracts are having to pay for their own training than workers on permanent contracts. This may mean they are missing out on skills development and opportunities to progress in their career. If these types of contracts are used as stepping stones in a career (particularly by young people), are employers storing up skills problems for the future?