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Talent management: Learning across sectors
Hirsh W, Tyler E | Jul 2017 | Leadership Foundation for Higher EducationThis report aims to help leaders in higher education as they address talent management in their own institutions.
Using behavioural insights to examine benefit claimants' approaches to training opportunities
Gloster R, Bertram C, Buzzeo J, Fletcher L, Tassinari A, Cox A, Vlaev I | Jul 2017 | Department for EducationThis study explored the training decisions of benefit claimants in the context of Skills Conditionality and mandation, with the aim of improving attendance at training and ensuring that training opportunities for benefit claimants are based on an understanding of their motivations and the other factors that influence behaviour.
Discrimination and access to employment for female workers with disabilities: Case study: United Kingdom
Lodovici M S, Orlando N | Jun 2017 | European ParliamentThis country case study containing IES research considers the the access of women with disabilities to the UK labour market.
Discrimination and access to employment for female workers with disabilities
Lodovici M S, Orlando N | Jun 2017 | European ParliamentThis study containing IES research considers the access of women with disabilities to the labour market in Europe, in order to assess how multiple discrimination, in this case gender and disability, affects the employment opportunities of women with disabilities.
Why worry about the 96% drop in EU nurse registrations?
Marangozov R | Jun 2017 | Institute for Employment StudiesIn this video interview for the IES Brexit Observatory, Rachel Marangozov, a senior research fellow at the Institute for Employment Studies, outlines the key reasons for concern following reports of a 96% drop in EU nurses registering to work in the UK.
Employment in privatised utilities: A higher risk of precariousness?
Study for the EMPL Committee
Broughton A, Manzoni C | Jun 2017 | European ParliamentThis paper explores the risk of precarious work in privatised utilities, based on data analysis and literature review. It examines the history of privatisation of utilities in the EU including programme countries and the impact that this has had on levels of employment. Moreover, it presents a range of measures to cushion adverse effects.
Slides: Dementia at work: Setting the scene
Bevan S | Jun 2017 | Institute for Employment StudiesStephen Bevan's presentation slides from IES HR Network workshop 'The dark side of wellbeing: Dementia', 15 June 2017.
Slides: Supporting employees who are carers
Bhatt J | Jun 2017 | Pathways Through DementiaJem Batt's presentation slides from IES HR Network workshop 'The dark side of wellbeing: Dementia', 15 June 2017.
Student Income and Expenditure Survey 2014/15: Welsh-domiciled students: Interim executive summary
Maher J, Rooney K, Toomse-Smith M, Kiss Z, Pollard E, Williams M, Hillage J, Green M, Huxley C, Hunt W | Jun 2017 | Welsh GovernmentInterim executive summary for study on the financial position of higher education students from Wales who were studying in Wales or England in the academic year 2014/15.
Student Income and Expenditure Survey 2014/15: Welsh-domiciled students
Maher J, Rooney K, Toomse-Smith M, Kiss Z, Pollard E, Williams M, Hillage J, Green M, Huxley C, Hunt W | Jun 2017 | Welsh GovernmentStudy on the financial position of higher education students from Wales who are studying in Wales or England in the academic year 2014/15.