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  • HR in a disordered world: IES Perspectives on HR 2015

    Feb 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    IES presents its annual Perspectives on HR publication, in which IES researchers and consultants offer their insights into the challenges of today's turbulent world for the HR function.

  • Organisation Design: A framework for thinking about your own approach

    Varney S | Jan 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This third paper in our new series of HR Essentials highlights five key challenges of organisation design and offers ten practical tips to help HR professionals to navigate those challenges.

  • Slides: HR's role in supporting organisational strategic change

    Peter Reilly | Oct 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Peter Reilly's presentation slides on HR’s role in supporting organisational strategic change, from the IES HR Annual Conference 2014 on 'HR Strategy'

  • Regulatory Services: Officers for the Future

    Summary report for policymakers

    Hirsh W | Oct 2014 | Local Government Association

    This paper, aimed at policymakers, summarises the findings of a small scale exploratory study of what have recently been called the 'regulatory services' of local government, namely trading standards (TS), licensing (L) and environmental health (EH).

  • Event Slides cover

    '"Regulatory Services" officers of the future' - IES research findings for LGA

    Hirsh W | Oct 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    In early 2014, the LGA Commissioned the IES to undertake an exploratory research piece on the possible direction for officer roles in council ‘regulatory services' – that is, environmental health, trading standards and licensing.

  • Slides: OD: past, present and future: Conference slides

    Valerie Garrow | Apr 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Valerie Garrow's slides on 'OD: past, present and future' which she presented at the IES Mini Conference: Really big headlines on 24 April 2014.

  • Slides: Organistional development: future focus

    Valerie Garrow | Apr 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Dr Valerie Garrow's slides on 'Organistional development: future focus' which she presented at the IES Mini Conference: Really big headlines on 24 April 2014.

  • IES Perspectives on HR 2014

    HR responding to threats and opportunities

    Dec 2013 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Topics covered in IES Perspectives on HR 2014, include: big data and HR analytics; outsourcing decision making: Can we make it more considered?; crowdsourced leadership; zero-hour contracts: the continued debate in 2014; understanding resilience; diversity at senior team and board level; talent for what? Reconnecting talent management with business needs; top employers for flexible working; and establishing a culture of openness.

  • Facing into Change: The Organisation Development & Design Expert Service

    Garrow V | Dec 2013 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Facing into Change is a case study report illustrating OD in practice, through the work of the Organisation Development & Design Expert Service. The OD&D Service is one of four Civil Service HR expert services and offers support to departments and cross-Government functions in delivering complex change. To help illustrate the important role they have started to forge in supporting the Civil Service Reform Plan and large scale change, three of the Service’s clients agreed to share their own stories. Rail Group, the Treasury Solicitor’s Department and the Civil Service Pension Schemes Executive in the Cabinet Office, explain the reasons they feel OD support is vital during major change, share their experience of working with the OD&D Service, and describe the impact it has had for them.

  • Slides: Transactional to Transformational

    Paul Neville | Oct 2013 | Housing Ombudsman Service

    Slides from Paul Neville, Head of Corporate Services, at The Housing Ombudsman on 'From Transactional to Transformational' which he presented at the IES HR Network even on 'Organisation effectiveness' on 8 October 2013.