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Work-Focused Services in Children's Centres Pilot: Final Report
Marangozov R, Stevens H | Aug 2011 | Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)This report presents final findings from the evaluation of the ‘Work-Focused Services in Children’s Centres’ Pilot. A baseline and interim evaluation report have already been published. This final report builds on all the findings from these previous evaluation reports and research components, as well as Management Information.
Routes onto Employment and Support Allowance
Sissons P, Barnes H, Stevens H | Aug 2011 | Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)This report presents findings from a two-wave survey of people who claimed ESA between April and June 2009. It examines the social characteristics of ESA claimants and their employment trajectories over a period of approximately 18 months. The aim of the report is to provide information about who flows onto, and off ESA and the reasons for doing so.
New Deal for Long Term Unemployed People
Case Studies to Evaluate the Pilots
Atkinson J, Barr J, Blanden J, Dewson S, Walsh K | Feb 2000 | Employment ServiceThis study by IES for the Employment Service, evaluated eight pilots for the New Deal for Long Term Unemployed People, after one year of operation. It reviewed local partner relations, attitudes of the long-term unemployed and drop-out rates, employer attitudes and innovations. This publication is no longer available.
Evaluation of New Deal 50 plus - Qualitative Evidence from Clients: First Phase
Atkinson J, Kodz J, Dewson S, Eccles J | Dec 2000 | Employment ServiceThis publication is no longer available. New Deal 50 plus was part of the Government's welfare to work initiative, and directed towards people aged 50 and over who had been out of work for six months or more and wished to return to employment. This included older people claiming Jobseekers Allowance, those claiming other benefits, those with a disability or long term illness, and the dependent partners of people on these benefits. This report draws on focus groups with New Deal 50 plus clients conducted in four Pathfinder areas: Dorset, City Pride (Manchester), Edinburgh East and Midlothian, and the Black Country.
Evaluation of New Deal 50 plus - Qualitative Evidence from ES and BA Staff: First Phase
Atkinson J, Dewson S, Kodz J | Dec 2000 | Employment ServiceThis publication is no longer available. New Deal 50 plus was a voluntary programme for unemployed and economically inactive people aged 50 and over, who had been out of work for six months or more. This research was conducted during the spring of 2000, before ND 50 plus was rolled out nationally. It draws on interviews with ES and BA staff in four Pathfinder areas, Dorset, the Black Country, City Pride (Manchester), and Edinburgh East and Midlothian.
Evaluation of New Deal 50 Plus - Qualitative Evidence from ES and BA Staff: Second Phase
Atkinson J, Dewson S, Kodz J | Mar 2001 | Employment ServiceThis publication is no longer available. New Deal 50 plus was a voluntary programme for unemployed and economically inactive people aged 50 and over, who had been out of work for six months or more. This research was conducted during September and October 2000, some six months after ND 50 plus was rolled out nationally. It draws on interviews with ES and BA staff in four areas (Newcastle & South Tyneside, Southwark, Eastbourne & Hastings, and North Derbyshire). It builds on an earlier study of four Pathfinder areas.
Evaluation of New Deal 50 Plus - Qualitative Evidence from Clients: Second Phase
Kodz J, Eccles J | Mar 2001 | Employment ServiceThis publication is no longer available. New Deal 50 plus was a voluntary programme for unemployed and economically inactive people aged 50 and over, who had been out of work for six months or more. This report is based upon in-depth qualitative research with participants of the programme.
Evaluation of New Deal 50 plus - Research with Individuals (Wave 1)
Atkinson J, Dewson S | Sep 2001 | Employment ServiceThis publication is no longer available. This report presents the results of the first representative survey (1,023 face to face interviews nationally) of New Deal 50 plus participants which was carried out in September 2000. The survey has explored the key elements of the programme with participants, including their entry routes on to the programme, their experiences of caseloading and the New Deal Personal Adviser (NDPA) service, the Employment Credit and the Training Grant.
Evaluation of New Deal 50 plus - Research with Individuals (Wave 2)
Atkinson J | Sep 2001 | Employment ServiceThis publication is no longer available. This report presents findings of a telephone survey of 503 participants in New Deal 50 plus undertaken in February 2001. Half the respondents (the re-contacts) had taken part in a survey six months previously, and were now being followed up; the other half (the new contacts) had joined the programme during those six months.
Jobsearch: A Review of the Literature Prior to the Jobseeker's Allowance
Atkinson J, Pollard E | Jun 1998 | Employment ServiceThis study draws together evidence about people's jobsearch activities prior to the introduction of Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) in October 1996. The study was commissioned by the Employment Service as part of its programme to evaluate the impact of the JSA. This publication is no longer available.