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Keeping the Best: A Practical Guide to Retaining Key Employees
Bevan S, Barber L, Robinson D | Oct 1997 | Institute for Employment StudiesRather than panic and throw money at the problem, it is important that employers adopt more considered and targeted approaches to keeping their best employees. This practical guide demonstrates that, through careful risk analysis and targeting of retention measures, losses of key people can be both predicted and prevented. The guide includes turnover costs checklist, retention risk analysis, and exit interview questionnaire.
The IES Annual Graduate Review, 1997-1998
The Fragmenting Graduate Market
Pearson R, Perryman S, Connor H, Jagger N, La Valle I | Oct 1997 | Institute for Employment StudiesThe IES Annual Graduate Review included key facts, figures and commentary on the main changes influencing the HE experience, the changing characteristics of the student population, and graduates’ experiences in a more diverse labour market. In 1997-1998 special attention was given to the implications of the Dearing Inquiry for graduate employment and graduate recruiters. This publication is no longer available.
Accountants With Attitude
A Career Survey of Women and Men in the Profession
Jackson C, Hayday S | Oct 1997 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis report presents the results of a national survey of the career attitudes of female and male accountants. The survey was commissioned by Women in Accountancy to ascertain the views of professionally qualified accountants from all six CCAB bodies towards their current and future careers. As the number of women entering the accountancy profession increases, the survey identifies similarities and differences in the career experiences of women and men, and key HR challenges facing the profession. The report aims to stimulate debate about how careers in accountancy might develop in the future.
Virtually Free
Huws U, Gunnarsson E | Jun 1997 | Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical DevelopmentThis publication is no longer available.
Graduate Salaries and Vacancies 1997 Summer Update
Perryman S, La Valle I | May 1997 | Association of Graduate RecruitersThis publication is no longer available.
Teleworking: Guidelines for Good Practice
Huws U | Mar 1997 | Institute for Employment StudiesThe introduction of teleworking presents major new challenges to human resource managers, trade unions and others involved in the development of good employment practices. These practical guidelines also recognise that 'teleworking' is not a single category, but covers at least five distinct groups with different needs. They are based on existing good practice in each area, identified through a comparative analysis of existing agreements across Europe.
Who Cares? The business benefits of carer-friendly employment practices
Bevan S, Kettley P, Patch A | Mar 1997 | Institute for Employment StudiesSocial and demographic changes are involving an increasing number of families in caring responsibilities: for children, sick, disabled or elderly family members. Is this keeping skilled people out of the labour market? And what is the cost to employers in terms of productivity, sickness absence and staff turnover? This report examines the effects on employers of adopting carer-friendly employment practices, and concludes that there are clearly demonstrable business and competitive benefits to be had.
Measurement of Employment in High Technology Sectors at the Regional Level
Jagger N, Perryman S | Jan 1997 | Institute for Employment StudiesCommissioned by Eurostat (the European Commission’s statistical body) the study represents a feasibility study into the ways in which high technology employment can be measured at the regional level across the European Union. The study examines a definition of high technology employment and then uses the UK Labour Force Survey to test the reliability of estimates based on this definition. This publication is no longer available.
Employers, Recruitment and the Unemployed
Atkinson J, Giles L, Meager N | Nov 1996 | Institute for Employment StudiesHow do employers regard the unemployed jobseeker? Do they treat unemployed applicants any differently from employed ones? As the duration of unemployment rises, do long term unemployed applicants face extra barriers to landing a job? This research answers these questions by evaluating employers' attitudes towards, recruitment of, and rejection of, unemployed jobseekers. It is concerned with both the long term unemployed and unemployed people in general. It draws on a representative sample of 800 UK employers, investigated by telephone survey and face-to-face interview.
Graduate Salaries and Vacancies 1996
La Valle I, Jagger N, Perryman S | Nov 1996 | Association of Graduate RecruitersThis publication is no longer available.