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    CSR for Employers

    Proof of 'Employee Engagement'

    Barber L | Sep 2005 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper is a write-up of IES's review of employer CSR websites, both in the private and public sectors. The areas represented by the review are training and development; communication and consultation; health and safety; work-life balance; pay and benefits; and the involvement of the HR function.

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    Review of the Reporting of Accidents and Incidents Involving Learners

    Miller L, Ballard J, Suff P, Bates P, Hurstfield J, Akroyd K | Aug 2005 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The research aimed to identify factors that might contribute to under-reporting of accidents and incidents of learners, primarily apprentices and those on entry to employment programmes. It consisted of a literature review, interviews with the Learning and Skills Council regional health and safety managers, a review of the data on accident reports, focus groups with learners, a survey of learning providers and a survey of employers.

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    Business Models and Change

    the Effect on Employees and their Psychological Contracts

    Wolfe H | Jun 2005 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The paper asks the following questions: What is business model change, how does is occur, and how is it dealt with? How does business model change affect the employment expectations and how can these be managed? What are the psychological contract effects of business model change? How can change be effectively and appropriately designed and communicated for optimum organisational performance and employee well-being?

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    Age Discrimination

    the Issues for Employers

    Hurstfield J, Akroyd K | Mar 2005 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This briefing, written in advance of the introduction of age discrimination legislation, provided an outline of the scope of the legislation on age discrimination and set out some of the key issues that employers should consider.

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    Employee Assistance Programmes

    Newton L, Hayday S, Barkworth R | Mar 2005 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper identifies why organisations chose to offer Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs), as well as what provision is available, and how organisations decide on a certain provider and service. It looks at how effectively organisations monitor employee usage and satisfaction. The paper guides employers in what to bear in mind when considering providing an EAP, as well as suggestions for evaluating existing EAPs.

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    Stress Audits

    What you Need to Know

    Newton L, Hayday S, Silverman M | Mar 2005 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This review addresses current issues involved in measuring workplace stress. It begins by discussing what a stress audit is and what information it produces. Other issues, such as the validity and reliability of stress audits, the potential benefits and pitfalls of assessing stress, what products are available, the implications of conducting stress audits and what next steps to take after conducting one, are also addressed.

  • What Makes a Good Employer?

    Rafferty AM, Maben J, West E, Robinson D | Feb 2005 | International Council of Nurses

    This document summarises underlying evidence and issues related to good human resource management in the health sector with reference to: indicators of performance and measurement of nursing outcomes; performance issues related to individuals and teams; and employee engagement, commitment and organisational citizenship behaviour.

  • Pregnancy Discrimination at Work

    A Qualitative Study

    Davis S, Neathey F, Regan J, Willison R | Jan 2005 | Equal Opportunities Commission

    The findings of this study into pregnancy-related discrimination illustrate the breadth of issues that come up during working women's pregnancies and the common threads of their experience, in spite of different backgrounds.

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    Pregnant Employees

    Good Employer Practice

    Robinson D, Newton L | Jan 2005 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper aims to: provide recommendations on the basis of current research; highlight the implications for employers; provide a summary of good practice for managing pregnant employees; and give details of how employers can avoid unintentional discrimination.

  • Evaluation of Reducing Risks, Protecting People

    Rick J | Oct 2004 | Health and Safety Executive

    Reducing Risks, Protecting People (R2P2) is the document that explains the basis for the Health and Safety Executive's (HSE's) decision-making processes. As such it underpins all HSE regulatory activity. The research summarised here sought to establish the reach of the document amongst the HSE's stakeholder groups and to determine the extent to which R2P2 makes HSE activities transparent and lays the decision making process open to scrutiny.