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  • Impact of the student finance system on participation, experience and outcomes of disadvantaged young people

    Impact of the student finance system on participation, experience and outcomes of disadvantaged young people

    Literature review

    Pollard E, Huxley C, Martin A, Takala H, Byford M  | May 2019 | Department for Education

    This report describes the findings from the Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA) literature review undertaken for the Department for Education (DfE). The report also sets out the aims of the literature review, the search and sift processes adopted, maps the literature identified, and provides an assessment of the adequacy and coverage of the research evidence.

  • The impacts of the coronavirus crisis on the labour market

    Analysis of quarterly Labour Force Survey data

    Williams M, Cockett J, Boustati A, Ebanks-Silvera D, Wilson T | Dec 2020 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper sets out analysis of the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, using quarterly and longitudinal Labour Force Survey data covering the period from July to September 2020.