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  • Perspectives on HR 2021

    A collection of HR Network member papers published throughout 2021

    Campbell C, Hirsh W, Bajorek Z, Ranasinghe U, Poole K, Brown D, Lucy D, Bevan S | Dec 2021 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Over the course of 2021, IES has provided insight to our HR Network members on how the pandemic is affecting employers and our workforce through our Perspectives papers.

  • Coaching for wellbeing: Infographic

    Carter A, Mason B  | Dec 2021 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Key findings detailing the impact of the Looking After You Too service, offered by NHS England and NHS Improvement to support frontline primary care workers as they respond to the pandemic.

  • Supporting good mental health amongst London’s FE learners

    Summary and evidence report of an assessment of mental health needs and support approaches

    Newton B, Patel R, Akehurst G, Alexander K, Byford M, Rickard C, Ebanks-Silvera DJ, Buzzeo J, Cook J, White-Smith G  | Dec 2021 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The aims of the study were to bring together insights into London’s FE learner population with existing evidence on the dimensions of mental health and wellbeing and new primary research with stakeholders, and London’s providers and learners.

  • Shaping the rail environment to encourage healthy behaviours

    A good practice guide

    Wilson S, Edwards M, Mason B, Akehurst G, Patel R | Nov 2021 | RSSB

    This guide has been created for those who are responsible for influencing employee wellbeing in the rail environment.

  • Effective implementation of behaviour change techniques to influence health in the rail environment

    Wilson S, Edwards M, Mason B, Akehurst G, Patel R | Nov 2021 | RSSB

    This research aims to understand the influences within the rail work environment that contribute to unhealthy behaviours and identify effective solutions to enable employees to make positive health choices

  • Barristers' Working Lives 2021

    A report for The Bar Council

    Williams M, Pike G | Sep 2021 | Institute for Employment Studies/ Employment Research Ltd

    The 2021 survey of the Bar profession is the latest in the series of surveys of barristers’ working lives.

  • Returning to the workplace after Covid-19

    A toolkit to help employers establish a return-to-workplace plan for employees living with obesity

    Bajorek Z, Bevan S  | Sep 2021 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This toolkit highlights the legal responsibilities that employers have for providing a safe workplace, as well as detailing a six-step practical plan which aims to understand both organisational and employee needs as workplaces begin to plan for the future.

  • Living and working with obesity

    Are employers playing their part?

    Bajorek Z, Mason B, Edwards M, Bevan S  | Jul 2021 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report is the second output of the PURPOSE programme (Promoting Understanding and Research into Productivity, Obesity Stigma and Employment). The programme, funded by Novo Nordisk, focusses on improving national productivity levels via better employment and labour market outcomes for those living with overweight or obesity.

  • Slides: Diversity of thought

    Boffy B | Jun 2021 | British Transport Police

    Barry Boffy's slides from the IES Annual Conference 2021: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An employee lifecycle perspective, 10 June, 2021

  • Slides: An inclusive future for work

    Sayce L | Jun 2021 | International Inequalities Institute

    Liz Sayce's slides from the IES Annual Conference 2021: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An employee lifecycle perspective, 10 June, 2021