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  • Study on a comprehensive overview on traineeship arrangements in Member States

    Final Synthesis Report

    Hadjivassiliou K, Carta E, Higgins T, Rickard C, Ter-Minassian S (IES) Pesce F, Samek M, Barbieri D, Broglio D, Naaf S (IRS) Grollmann P, Weigel T, Wolfgarten T, Hensen K (BIBB) | Apr 2012 | European Commission

    The main objective of this study was to provide an overview of traineeship arrangements in all 27 Member States and to collect the most up-to-date information about different forms of traineeships across the EU.

  • Flexicurity: Actions at Company Level

    Broughton A, Biletta I, Vacas C | Jun 2012 | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

    This report examines initiatives that could be considered as flexicurity measures, developed by companies to support women, young workers and older workers. The purpose is to show that even if the measures are introduced for business reasons and are not the result of a deliberate company flexicurity strategy, many may be considered as flexicurity measures as they contribute to improving both flexibility and security of vulnerable workers. On the basis of 16 company case studies in six EU Member States – the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and the United Kingdom – the study examines the motives of companies for developing these actions and the lessons learned.

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    Anticipating and Managing Restructuring: Ireland

    Broughton A | May 2010 | International Labour Organization

    This national background paper examines restructuring developments in Ireland. It gives an overview of the general economic and labour market context of the country, in particular against the background of the economic crisis. The report includes data on redundancies, and the challenges that the rising level of redundancies pose, especially in sectors such as construction, which has been particularly hard hit by the recent recession.

  • Disability and Skills in a Changing Economy

    Meager N, Higgins T | Aug 2011 | UK Commission for Equality and Skills (UKCES)

    The UK Commission developed a series of Briefing Papers with a focus on equality and skills in a changing economy. The aim was to inform and enable connected thinking about how to enable opportunity in the labour market through skills. Each paper provided commentary and analysis for an equality group or theme: disability and skills in a changing economy; gender and skills in a changing economy; low skills and social disadvantage in a changing economy; older people and skills in a changing economy and spatial inequality and skills in a changing economy.

  • The effectiveness and costs-benefits of apprenticeships: Results of the quantitative analysis

    Samek M, Comi S, Origo F, Torchio N, Speckesser S, Montalt J, | Sep 2013 | European Commission

    This report jointly researched by IES, Ecorys and IRS for the European Commission assesses the effectiveness of traineeship and apprenticeship schemes.

  • Pilot and feasibility study on the sustainability and effectiveness of results for European Social Fund participants using counterfactual impact evaluations

    Ciffolilli, A., De Castris, M., Kluve, J., Naldini, A., Paggiaro, A., Pompili, M., Capuano, S., Gray, H. and Broughton, A.  | Jul 2019 | European Commission Directorate-General for Employment Social Affairs and Inclusion

    The ‘Pilot and feasibility study on the sustainability and effectiveness of results for ESF participants using CIEs’ is aimed at assessing the feasibility of counterfactual impact evaluation (CIE) as an advantageous evaluation method of ESF...

  • Securing a place for young people in the nation’s economic recovery

    May 2020 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The paper, written jointly by Youth Employment UK, the Youth Futures Foundations, Impetus, The Prince’s Trust and IES, sets out practical proposals to ensure that young people are supported during the current crisis and can share in the economic recovery.

  • Labour Market Statistics, September 2020

    Sep 2020 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This briefing note sets out analysis of the Labour Market Statistics published this morning. The analysis covers Labour Force Survey data up to May to July 2020, and claimant count data to August 2020.

  • Labour Market Statistics, November 2020

    Nov 2020 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This briefing note sets out analysis of the Labour Market Statistics published this morning (11 November).

  • Work Local: labour market analysis

    Wilson T, Williams M  | May 2022 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper, produced as part of the Local Government Association’s ‘Work Local’ programme, sets out analysis of differences between local labour markets in England. The analysis uses the Annual Population Survey alongside real-time vacancy data.