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  • Should I Stay, or Should I Go?

    Older employees' later life planning in a business context

    Strebler M, Baldwin S | May 2010 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Helping older employees plan their future is challenging at the best of times. In an economic downturn these challenges are even greater. This report explores case study research gathered from a broad range of organisations. We focussed on how - and whether - older employees proactively planned their future working life and retirement; what support their employer provided and what sort of conversations they were having and with whom.

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    Public/private sector sickness absence: the impossible divide

    Can the gap between public and private sector sickness absence levels ever be closed?

    Knott S, Hayday S | Apr 2010 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This article examines explanations for the differences between public and private sector performance when it comes to sickness absence levels and suggests that some simple changes in public sector policy and practice could make a very real difference, provided that the public sector follows the general public trend, selects the 'value' or 'basics' range of products, and makes the best use of 'well-worn clothes'.

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    Moving Goods Safely 3

    Evaluation Report

    Wilson S, Tyers C, Carta E | Mar 2010 | Health and Safety Executive

    The Moving Goods Safely 3 (MGS3) intervention took place during 2007 and 2008, and targeted risks associated with the movement of goods in the logistics, warehousing, road haulage and goods delivery sectors. This report presents the findings of an evaluation carried out during 2008/09, and after the intervention had ceased.

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    Learning from the downturn - An employer perspective

    Chubb C, Reilly P | Mar 2010 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The aims of the research were: to see whether organisations were responding to economic problems differently than in the past; and if so, to consider why they were adopting these strategies; to assess how well the strategies had worked; and to consider whether such initiatives might have longer term beneficial impacts, not just on the bottom line but on factors such as employee engagement and workforce flexibility.

  • The HR Agenda for 2010

    Ten top trends as we come out of recession

    Garrow V (ed.) | Jan 2010 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The HR team at IES reflected on some of the priorities for organisations as they started to emerge from recession and looked to the future. In these short articles topic leaders provided insights that had emerged from recent consultancy and research practice across the public and private sector.

  • Strategies for Effective HE-Employer Engagement

    A South West Higher Level Skills Pathfinder Research Report

    Bolden R, Hirsh W, Connor H, Petrov G, Duquemin A | Jan 2010 | University of Exeter Business School and Council for Industry and Higher Education

    This is the third in a series of reports summarising the outcomes of research to support the South West Higher Level Skills Pathfinder Project 1. This final report complements the two previous publications through a series of case studies of 10 English HE institutions (HEIs) on their institutional strategies to EE.

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    Workplace Health Connect Pilot

    Evaluation Findings

    Tyers C, Lucy D, Carta E, Savage J, Kossykh Y, Bailey Y | Jan 2010 | Health and Safety Executive

    The Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) Workplace Health Connect (WHC) pilot was launched in February 2006 and ran until February 2008. It was a free, no-obligation service which aimed to provide small and medium-sized enterprises with advice on workplace health issues in order to increase the level of healthy workplaces across England and Wales. The pilot included an extensive evaluation of the service to inform the further development of the occupational health, safety and return to work (OHSR) model underpinning the design of this and other HSE pilots.

  • The Engaging Manager

    Robinson D, Hayday S | Oct 2009 | Institute for Employment Studies

    All of IES's work on employee engagement to date has pointed to the importance of the relationship between the employee and the line manager. These findings led to this research, which aimed to identify how, in practice, engaging managers behave. We visited seven organisations and interviewed 25 managers, their teams, and their own managers, about their management style.

  • An Ageing Workforce: the Employer's Perspective

    Barnes H, Smeaton D, Taylor R | Sep 2009 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This study assesses the range of schemes introduced to prevent early exit (whether voluntary or involuntary) and to facilitate the employment of staff to pension age and beyond. The project was designed to explore how effectively and comprehensively different types of employer (eg by size and sector) are responding to workforce ageing.

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    Business Case for the NHS Staff Survey

    Robinson D, Hayday S, Mercer M | Jul 2009 | Department of Health

    A series of information and guidance resources produced to help NHS organisations and staff understand the benefits of conducting and participating in the NHS staff survey, and to improve services for patients.