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  • Experiences of homeless young people in precarious employment

    Research for Centrepoint

    Buzzeo J, Byford M, Martin A, Newton B | Oct 2019 | Institute for Employment Studies

    New IES research highlights a benefit system failing to support homeless young people in precarious employment.

  • Weekly vacancy analysis: Vacancy trends in week-ending 10 May 2020

    Wilson T, Cockett J, Gray H, Papoutsaki D, Williams M,  | May 2020 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This is the fifth in a series of weekly briefings exploring changes in vacancies since the Covid-19 crisis began. This week's briefing includes analysis to Lower Tier Local Authority level and recommendations for government actions around employment support.

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    Getting Unemployed Adults into Jobs: Does Jobsearch Training add Value to ‘Training for Work’?

    Atkinson J | Aug 1994 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Training for Work was the main public programme in the UK to help long-term unemployed adults to find jobs. One of the ways in which it sought to achieve this was through improving the jobseeking skills of its participants. This report considered how effective Training for Work was in practice. This publication is no longer available.

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    The IES Annual Graduate Review, 1997-1998

    The Fragmenting Graduate Market

    Pearson R, Perryman S, Connor H, Jagger N, La Valle I | Oct 1997 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The IES Annual Graduate Review included key facts, figures and commentary on the main changes influencing the HE experience, the changing characteristics of the student population, and graduates’ experiences in a more diverse labour market. In 1997-1998 special attention was given to the implications of the Dearing Inquiry for graduate employment and graduate recruiters. This publication is no longer available.

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    IES Labour Market Overview 2006

    Bates P | Nov 2006 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The IES Labour Market Overview 2006 provides information on the trends within the UK labour market in 2006. It includes key facts, figures and commentary on the main changes in the supply and demand for labour in the UK.

  • Evaluation of the Apprenticeship Grant for Employers (AGE 16 to 24) programme

    Dec 2013 | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)

    The evaluation of the Apprenticeship Grant for Employers was carried out in partnership by BMG Research and IES, with IES leading on provider research and the return-on-investment assessment and BMG leading consultations with national stakeholders and employers. This report describes the findings of research, which involved talking with participating employers, government agencies and training organisations involved in the administration of the grant. All aspects of the policy are covered, from the way it was run, whether the grant amount was set at the right level, to satisfaction with the learning and training.

  • Practices and Evolutions in Apprenticeship Training Policies in Europe

    Broughton A, Newton B, Lazazzara A, Stettes O, Jacquemet S, Isken J, Lehugeur T, Masingue B | Feb 2014 | Entreprise et Personnel

    In early 2014 unemployment among young people in the euro zone was at 24.1%. Greece, Spain, and Italy were among the countries most affected.The NEET statistics, which principally concern the proportions of young people not in employment,...

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    European Restructuring Monitor Quarterly - 2011, Issue 2

    Hurley J, Riso S, Salvatore L, Rinawi M, Broughton A | Jun 2011 | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

    The EU economy continued to grow over the last quarter with more positive data in particular from core economies. Problems of sovereign debt management however persisted in several eurozone Member States and negative economic news from other developed economies tended to more than mitigate any positive momentum arising from the dynamism of the emerging market economies.

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    European Restructuring Monitor Quarterly - 2010, Issue 3

    Hurley J, Riso S, Salvatore L, Ford B, Miginis M, Broughton A | Oct 2010 | European Monitoring Centre on Change

    The pace of recovery following the 2008–9 economic crisis picked up somewhat throughout 2010 with the EU forecast to register 1.7% growth in 2010. Uncertainty however persisted on a number of fronts. Fears of a double dip recession in the US economy were reinforced by weak employment and growth data. Global growth appeared increasingly to depend on demand from developing countries, notably the BRIC bloc.

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    Employment and Skills: six critical priorities for the next government

    Meager N, Hillage J | Mar 2010 | Institute for Employment Studies

    With over 40 years’ experience of policy evaluation and labour market research in the UK and abroad, the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) gathered a wide range of evidence on the most important issues that needed to be tackled to raise employment and skills levels across the economy. IES identified half a dozen important policy issues to be first across the desks of the new ministers with briefs relating to education, skills, health, welfare and work, and some of the solutions needed to consider to help tackle these key issues.