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    Impact of interfirm relationships – employment and working conditions

    Hadjivassiliou K, Cox A, Martin R, Marchington M, Sheehan M, Gloster R, Pollard E, Grimshaw D, Rubery J | Apr 2011 | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

    This study was commissioned by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) in February 2010. Its purpose was the in-depth study of the impact of five types of interfirm relationships – joint ventures, clusters, public-private partnerships (PPPs), strategic alliances/networks and virtual company networks (VCNs) – on employment and working conditions.

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    Achieving Change Using the Supply Chain Model in Construction

    Wilson S, Tyers C | Feb 2011 | Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

    The Health and Safety Executive has been working in partnership with the construction industry since the 1990s to bring about improvements in risk management by developing solutions together. One aspect of this is an initiative called the supply chain model, which attempts to take a cohesive approach by drawing together stakeholders from across the construction industry, such as suppliers, contractors, clients (from both the public and private sectors) and designers/architects. In 2009 HSE commissioned the Institute for Employment Studies to undertake a qualitative evaluation of the supply chain initiative and its component work strands. This report presents the evaluation’s findings.

  • Employment and Support Allowance: Customer and Staff experiences of the face-to-face Work Capability Assessment and Work-Focused Health-Related Assessment

    Barnes H, Aston J, Williams C | Nov 2010 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This report presents findings from qualitative research on the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) and Work-Focused Health-Related Assessment (WFHRA). The research was carried out in spring/summer 2010 and included Employment and Support Allowance customers, Jobcentre Plus and Pathways to Work Provider Personal Advisers, and Atos Healthcare staff working on these assessments.

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    Work-Related Stress

    Broughton A | Oct 2010 | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin

    This report examines the issue of work-related stress in the 27 EU Member States and Norway. Studies capturing data on work-related stress in individual countries differ in terms of their scope, methodology and coverage.

  • Extending flexicurity

    The potential of short-time working schemes

    Mandl I, Storrie D, Hurley J, Mascherini M, Broughton A, Owczarzak R, Riso S, Salvatore L | Oct 2010 | European Monitoring Centre on Change

    In the face of recession, falling demand and the consequent slowing of production, short-time working and temporary layoff schemes have been extended (or introduced) in many Member States. These schemes, often with the aid of public funds, reduce working time, while protecting workers’ incomes and company solvency; frequently, the time spent not working is used for training instead. This report examines the practice of reduced working time across Europe, and looks in detail at how it is implemented in ten Member States, with a view to determining the contribution that such schemes can make in implementing the common principles of flexicurity, especially in light of the broad-based consensus they enjoy among the social partners.

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    The 2010 RCVS Survey of the UK Veterinary and Veterinary Nursing Professions

    Robertson-Smith G, Robinson D, Hicks B, Khambhaita P, Hayday S | Oct 2010 | Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS)

    This report presents the results of the 2010 surveys of the Veterinary and Veterinary Nursing professions, carried out on behalf of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS). Where possible and appropriate, results are compared with those of previous surveys. The aim of these surveys is to provide RCVS, and other interested parties, with an evidence-based view of the veterinary surgeon and veterinary nurse professions, and the changes taking place within them.

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    Evidence Review on Regulation Culture and Behaviours

    Wilson S, Tyers C, Wadsworth E | Aug 2010 | Food Standards Agency

    The Food Standards Agency commissioned an evidence review to investigate the culture and behaviours in businesses and enforcement bodies, and the communication between individuals in these two groups, to understand what works best to secure regulatory compliance particularly, though not exclusively, in relation to food safety. It forms part of the Agency’s response to the recommendations made in the Public Inquiry Report (2009) that documents the circumstances surrounding the outbreak of E.coli O157 in South Wales in 2005. The review was carried out following the principles of a rapid evidence assessment (REA).

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    Determining current health and safety practices, awareness of HSE initiatives and economic trends in relation to isocyanate paint use in the MVR sector

    Broughton A, Sumption F, Jagger N, Tyers C | Jun 2010 | Health and Safety Executive

    This report contains the main results of research examining health and safety practices and procedures in relation to the use of isocyanate-based paints in the motor vehicle repair (MVR) sector. The main objective of this research was to determine current health and safety practices in the motor vehicle repair sector in relation to the use of isocyanate paint spray, focusing in particular on the use of masks and the use of spray booths. The intention was to gather data about practice, in order to gain a view of the overall state of play in relation to the health and safety practices that determine isocyanate use in the sector. The aim was that this will, in turn, make it possible and viable for the HSE to develop a baseline for targeting future embedding activity. The report is based on a telephone survey of 500 motor vehicle repair bodyshops and visits to 30 bodyshops, during which face-to-face interviews were carried out with bodyshop managers and sprayers.

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    Healthy Workplaces Milton Keynes Pilot

    Evaluation Findings

    Lucy D, Tyers C, Savage J | Jun 2010 | Health and Safety Executive

    The Healthy Workplaces Milton Keynes (HWMK) pilot was one of several pilots designed by HSE to test various models of delivering advice and support of occupational health, safety, absence management and return-to-work issues to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This report summarises the findings of the HWMK evaluation.

  • Should I Stay, or Should I Go?

    Older employees' later life planning in a business context

    Strebler M, Baldwin S | May 2010 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Helping older employees plan their future is challenging at the best of times. In an economic downturn these challenges are even greater. This report explores case study research gathered from a broad range of organisations. We focussed on how - and whether - older employees proactively planned their future working life and retirement; what support their employer provided and what sort of conversations they were having and with whom.