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Study of the Impact of Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Venture Capital Trusts (VCT) on Company Performance
Cowling M, Bates P, Jagger N, Murray G (SOBE, University of Exeter) | Apr 2008 | HM Revenue & CustomsThis study assesses the impact of Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Venture Capital Trusts (VCT) tax relief on the UK economy, and whether these interventions had been worthwhile. Overall, the findings indicated that EIS and VCT investments had had a positive effect on capacity building in recipient companies. However, in material terms, these effects remained very small.
Train to Gain Learner Evaluation: Report from Wave 1 Research
Newton B, Page R, Regan J, O'Regan S, Hillage J | Apr 2008 | Learning and Skills CouncilIpsos MORI and IES were commissioned by the Learning and Skills Council to conduct the learner element of the evaluation of Train to Gain in accordance with an overall evaluation framework. This report covers the findings from the first wave of research.
Responses to the Evidence Consultation on Long-term Sickness and Incapacity
Hillage J, Rick J, Pilgrim H | Apr 2008 | National Institute for Health and Clinical ExcellenceThe National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) was asked by the Department of Health to develop guidance for primary care services and employers on the management of long-term sickness and incapacity. This guidance provides recommendations for good practice that are based on the best available evidence of effectiveness and cost effectiveness.
Guidance for Primary Care Services and Employers on the Management of Long-term Sickness and Incapacity
Mapping Review
Hayday S, Rick J, Carroll C, Jagger N | Apr 2008 | National Institute for Health and Clinical ExcellenceThe National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) was asked to develop guidance for primary care services and employers on the management of long-term sickness and incapacity. The aim of the guidance was to provide recommendations for good practice based on the best available evidence of effectiveness and cost effectiveness. The first stage in the development of the effectiveness and economic rapid reviews was this mapping report to the Programme Development Group. It discusses the methodology and results from a systematic sifting of abstracts to identify material that may address the above research questions.
Review of the Effectiveness & Cost Effectiveness of Interventions, Strategies, Programmes & Policies to reduce the number of employees who move from short-term to long-term sickness absence & to help employees on long-term sickness absence return to work
Hillage J, Rick J, Pilgrim H, Jagger N, Carroll C, Booth A | Apr 2008 | National Institute for Health and Clinical ExcellenceThe National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) was asked by the Department of Health to develop guidance for primary care services and employers on the management of long-term sickness and incapacity. The guidance provides recommendations for good practice that are based on the best available evidence of effectiveness and cost effectiveness.
Review of the Effectiveness and Cost Effectiveness of Interventions, Strategies, Programmes and Policies to reduce the number of employees who take long-term sickness absence on a recurring basis
Rick J, Carroll C, Hillage J, Pilgrim H, Jagger N | Apr 2008 | National Institute for Health and Clinical ExcellenceThe National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) was asked by the Department of Health to develop guidance for primary care services and employers on the management of long-term sickness and incapacity. The guidance provides...
Review of the Effectiveness and Cost Effectiveness of Interventions, Strategies, Programmes and Policies to Help Recipients of Incapacity Benefits Return to Employment (Paid and Unpaid)
Hayday S, Rick J, Carroll C, Jagger N, Hillage J | Apr 2008 | National Institute for Health and Clinical ExcellenceThe National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) was asked by the Department of Health to develop guidance for primary care services and employers on the management of long-term sickness and incapacity. The guidance provides recommendations for good practice based on the best available evidence of effectiveness and cost effectiveness.
Learning and Development 2020 - Interim findings February 2008
Carter A, Fairhurst P, Smith D | Apr 2008 | Training JournalIES ran a project with Training Journal looking at the future of learning and development, with a time horizon of 2020. The project was run in two main phases: first looking at the outside world to see what trends and discontinuities might impact the world of L&D over the coming years. The second phase aimed to look at the implications for L&D practitioners of these possible changes. This publication is no longer available.
University is Not Just for Young People: Working Adults' Perceptions of, and Orientation to, Higher Education
Pollard E, Bates P, Hunt W, Bellis A | Mar 2008 | Department for Innovation, Universities and SkillsThis study explored the attitudes and intentions towards higher education (HE) amongst working adults in England. The research involved 1,401 individuals in a 20-minute telephone survey, and was restricted to those aged between 22 and 55 with no university-level qualification.
Jobcentre Plus and Children's Centres
Dench S, Aston J, James L with Foster R | Mar 2008 | Department for Work and PensionsThe study explored the extent and nature of Jobcentre Plus' involvement in Children's Centres, focusing on the effectiveness of working relationships between stakeholders as well as the experiences of DWP and non-DWP customers using Jobcentre Plus services in Children's Centres.