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    Redesigning public sector HR functions

    Fairhurst P, Reilly P | Aug 2010 | Institute for Employment Studies

    There can be no doubt now that the public sector is going to have to find significant savings over the coming years. HR will have to both play its part in facilitating that process but also find its own new ways of working. This may not be painless but, as many are recognising, a crisis can often also be an opportunity to go back to first principles and make more radical changes to ensure that the service is truly fit for purpose.

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    An evaluation of the impact of implementation of consultant practitioners in clinical imaging

    Price R, Miller L | Aug 2010 | The Society and College of Radiographers

    This research captures data on issues relating to the consultant practitioner role in clinical imaging. It explores their impact on service operations and service improvement, and hence their immediate impact on clinical imaging services at two National Health Service (NHS) trusts in England.

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    What do researchers do? Doctoral graduate destinations and impact three years on, 2010

    Hunt W, Jagger N, Metcalfe J, Pollard E | Aug 2010 | The Careers Research and Advisory Centre

    This report presents, for the first time, the career destinations and impact of research graduates three years after graduation. It shows that doctoral graduates feel their studies increase their capacity to contribute to innovation and make a real difference in the workplace. The report examines people’s motivations for undertaking doctoral study, the employment rates and occupations of graduates and the extent to which doctoral graduates have an impact in their job.

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    European Restructuring Monitor Quarterly - 2010, Issue 2

    Hurley J, Riso S, Salvatore L, Billingham D, Broughton A | Aug 2010 | European Monitoring Centre on Change

    Europe continued to show signs of a tentative recovery with marginally positive growth and other economic indicators stabilising. There were however persistent concerns over levels of public debt and, to a lesser extent, over the stability of the euro. Unemployment had not risen in the last quarter (9.6%, EU27 in each of the three months February to May 2010) having increased sharply (by 3 percentage points) since the beginning of 2008.

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    Flexible Nursing

    Report for NHS Professionals

    Mercer M, Buchan J, Chubb C | Jul 2010 | NHS Professionals

    This literature review focuses on flexible resourcing of nursing staff in the National Health Service (NHS) through the three main types of temporary nursing staff; bank nurses, agency nurses and nurses provided through NHS Professionals. It also examines flexible working arrangements for permanent nurses within the NHS.

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    Work-Focused Services in Children’s Centres Pilot: Interim report

    Marangozov R, Stevens H | Jul 2010 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This report provides findings from the interim stage of the evaluation of the ‘Work-Focused Services in Children’s Centres’ pilot. The pilot operated in ten local authority areas (30 Sure Start Children’s Centres in total) in England, providing work-focused services through a dedicated Jobcentre Plus Personal Adviser, as well as activities designed to meet local needs. It ran from January 2009 to March 2011.

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    Market Research for Online Communities in the NHS

    A report to the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement

    Miller L, Fairhurst P, Chubb C | Jul 2010 | NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement

    The NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement commissioned IES to undertake market research to support the development of a 'National Ideas Platform'. There were four broad learning outcomes from the work, providing information on: what affects people's use of online resources and why some networks work; how do people go about sharing ideas at the moment; what technologies are people using at present and for what purposes and whether people want a new network.

  • SET Based Technicians

    Lessons from the UK and European Labour Force Surveys

    Jagger N, Sigala M, Sumption F | Jun 2010 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The aim of this study was to explore the supply of, and demand for, technician level Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) underpinning skills within the UK. This report was based on the analysis of the UK Labour Force Survey (LFS) and the linked European Labour Force Survey (ELFS) both of which provided a range of detailed labour market information.

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    Determining current health and safety practices, awareness of HSE initiatives and economic trends in relation to isocyanate paint use in the MVR sector

    Broughton A, Sumption F, Jagger N, Tyers C | Jun 2010 | Health and Safety Executive

    This report contains the main results of research examining health and safety practices and procedures in relation to the use of isocyanate-based paints in the motor vehicle repair (MVR) sector. The main objective of this research was to determine current health and safety practices in the motor vehicle repair sector in relation to the use of isocyanate paint spray, focusing in particular on the use of masks and the use of spray booths. The intention was to gather data about practice, in order to gain a view of the overall state of play in relation to the health and safety practices that determine isocyanate use in the sector. The aim was that this will, in turn, make it possible and viable for the HSE to develop a baseline for targeting future embedding activity. The report is based on a telephone survey of 500 motor vehicle repair bodyshops and visits to 30 bodyshops, during which face-to-face interviews were carried out with bodyshop managers and sprayers.

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    Healthy Workplaces Milton Keynes Pilot

    Evaluation Findings

    Lucy D, Tyers C, Savage J | Jun 2010 | Health and Safety Executive

    The Healthy Workplaces Milton Keynes (HWMK) pilot was one of several pilots designed by HSE to test various models of delivering advice and support of occupational health, safety, absence management and return-to-work issues to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This report summarises the findings of the HWMK evaluation.