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Unsuccessful Employment and Support Allowance claims - qualitative research
Barnes H, Oakley J, Stevens H, Sissons P | Jun 2011 | Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)This qualitative study, commissioned by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), was designed to provide a detailed understanding, from a customer perspective, of the views and subsequent experiences of people who apply for Employment and Support Allowance but whose claim is unsuccessful – either because their claim was closed by Jobcentre Plus or withdrawn by the customer before it was assessed, or because the customer was found fit for work and not entitled to ESA.
European Restructuring Monitor Quarterly - 2011, Issue 2
Hurley J, Riso S, Salvatore L, Rinawi M, Broughton A | Jun 2011 | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working ConditionsThe EU economy continued to grow over the last quarter with more positive data in particular from core economies. Problems of sovereign debt management however persisted in several eurozone Member States and negative economic news from other developed economies tended to more than mitigate any positive momentum arising from the dynamism of the emerging market economies.
Exploring Employer Behaviour in Relation to Investors in People
Gloster R, Higgins T, Cox A | Jun 2011 | UK Commission for Employment and SkillsExploring Employer Behaviour in Relation to Investors in People (IIP) attempts to develop a deeper understanding of the IIP product and service offering from the perspective of employers. The research comprised a series of in-depth, qualitative interviews with employers who had enjoyed continued success with the Standard, as well as those employers who havd either committed or accredited to the Standard, but who had subsequently withdrawn from the IIP customer journey.
The Safe Learner
The impact of individual differences and workplace environment on attitudes to health and safety training
Miller L, Jagger N | Jun 2011 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis reports details the second year of a two year project funded by the then Learning and Skills Council (now the Skills Funding Agency) looking at factors affecting the health and safety of young work-based learners. It explores the impact of the 'Safe Learner' training model on learner behaviour in the workplace, while taking into account the role of supervisory attitudes, organisational safety climate, role overload and individual differences as moderating variables mediating the exhibition of safe or unsafe behaviours. The project explored learners’ attitudes and beliefs towards health and safety, examined the organisational and individual difference factors that impact on learner health and safety at work and explored whether attitudes to safety change over time as a result of greater maturity, workplace safety culture, or further training.
From financial to clinical? Perceptions and conversations in NHS boardrooms
Carter A, Sigala M, Robertson-Smith G, Hayday S | May 2011 | Institute for Employment StudiesBoard effectiveness is a hot topic and particularly scalding in two sectors. Firstly in financial services following the failure of bank boards to change the culture of large bonus payments; and secondly in the NHS where widespread criticism has been levelled at trust boards in the wake of several 'scandals' due to failure of clinical care quality. This report presents the findings of the IES programme evaluation study and in doing so sheds light on issues of wider interest to CEOs, chairs and board development specialists in all sectors about the engagement, governance and leadership of their boards.
Access to Work Related Training
Johnson C, Sissons P, Oakley J, Dewson S, Levesley T | May 2011 | Department for Business, Innovation and SkillsThe 2006 Leitch Review of Skills recommended the creation of a new integrated employment and skills service (HM Treasury, December 2006). Since then the welfare system has undergone reform to help meet this objective and the Integrated Employment and Skills (IES) trials, introduced in 2008 and ending in August 2010, were a key element. The main components of the IES trials were the co-location of careers services and Jobcentre Plus; skills screening and referral by Jobcentre Plus advisers; Skills Health Check interviews and Skills Action Plans delivered by nextstep2; and work-focused skills provision.
Identifying Claimants’ Needs
Research into the Capability of Jobcentre Plus Advisers
Bellis A, Sigala M, Dewson S | May 2011 | Department for Business, Innovation and SkillsThe identification of skills and skills needs is a feature of government employment services delivered through Work-Focused Interviews (WFIs) and conducted by Jobcentre Plus (JCP) Personal Advisers (PAs). This research aimed to: explore how ‘skills need’ is defined by JCP PAs; examine how claimants’ skills needs are identified by JCP PAs; and build an understanding of how the identification of skills can be embedded within the JCP offer.
Employment and Support Allowance: Findings from a follow-up survey with customers
Barnes H, Sissons P, Stevens H | May 2011 | Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)This report presents the findings of a follow-up telephone survey with 1,842 people who took part in an earlier, baseline face-to-face survey of people claiming Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)1 who had consented to be re-contacted. It was carried out by Ipsos MORI between July and September 2010.
SMEs in the crisis: Employment, industrial relations and local partnership
Broughton, A | May 2011 | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working ConditionsThis report looks at the role that social dialogue and local networks play in addressing the negative consequences of the crisis, particularly job losses, and especially how they can be used to help to maintain employment and develop job creation. It looks at established networks and also determines whether any new networks have been created to help manage the consequences of the crisis.
Evaluating Management and Leadership Development: New Ideas and Practical Approaches
Key research findings
Hirsh W, Tamkin P, Garrow V, Burgoyne J | May 2011 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis paper presents the key learning points from an IES HR Network project on the evaluation of management and leadership development. This project was undertaken in response to interest from the Network members, who find the evaluation of management learning interventions an important area, but one in which good practice is not so easy to find.