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  • Labour Market Statistics, March 2021

    Mar 2021 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This briefing note sets out analysis of the Labour Market Statistics published on 23 March 2021.

  • Youth Offer Process Evaluation

    Youth Offer Process Evaluation

    Buzzeo J, Campbell B (IES), Crossfield J, Davies H, Snook C (Ipsos) | Oct 2024 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This research looks at the experiences and outcomes of a sample of customers of the DWP's Youth Offer which aims to address the unemployment impacts of Covid-19 on 16-24 year old who receive Universal Credit.

  • Impact of Care to Learn - Tracking the destinations of young parents funded in 2003/04

    Dench S | Nov 2007 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Care to Learn is a UK government initiative that provides financial support for teenage parents who want to continue in, or return to learning. It helps with the cost of their childcare and travel. As part of the national evaluation of Care to Learn, a self-completion postal survey was conducted of young parents who received Care to Learn funding during the 2003/04 academic year. The survey was conducted during the winter of 2006.

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    Employing Refugees

    Some Organisations' Experiences

    Hurstfield J, Pearson R, Hooker H, Ritchie H, Sinclair A | Feb 2004 | The Employability Forum

    This research explores the attitudes of employers towards refugees and highlights the main issues. It aims to inform those who are in a position to make a difference, and to stimulate further debate on an important area of public policy.

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    The 'Safe Learner': Exploring the Concept

    Kerrin M, Silverman, Thomson L | Nov 2002 | Learning and Skills Council

    Developing and promoting the concept of the 'safe learner' was an important part of the Learning and Skills Council's approach to learner health and safety. This report was used to inform policy and promote good practice in health and safety on LSC funded programmes. This was achieved through, for example, identifying what characterises a 'safe learner' and how supervisors can encourage safe behaviours amongst learners.

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    Final Outcomes from the Permitted Work Rules

    Dewson S, Davis S, Loukas G | Jul 2005 | Department for Work and Pensions

    The permitted work rules (PWR) were introduced in April 2002 and replaced the existing provisions, commonly known as therapeutic work (TW). This report presents the findings from a final wave of research at the end of a three-year evaluation of the permitted work rules undertaken by the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) in partnership with MORI.

  • Barriers to Employment for Pakistanis and Bangladeshis in Britain

    Tackey N D, Casebourne J, Aston J, Ritchie H, Sinclair A, Tyers C, Hurstfield J, Willison R, Page R | Aug 2006 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This report presents the findings from research commissioned by the Department for Work and Pensions and carried out by IES on the barriers to employment for Pakistanis and Bangladeshis in Britain. The research study comprised five discrete stages: a review of the literature and other relevant information; interviews with key experts and informants in the field; an analysis of the labour markets of five selected locations in Britain: Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Glasgow and Tower Hamlets in London; a survey of 1,000 employing establishments in the five locations; and in-depth interviews with Pakistani and Bangladeshi jobseekers and non-jobseekers.

  • Jobcentre Plus Employer Satisfaction and Experience Survey 2012

    Pollard E, Behling F, Hillage J, Speckesser S | Aug 2012 | Department for Work and Pensions

    The 2011/12 Jobcentre Plus delivery plan set out a plan to modernise employer services. To inform this process, the Department for Work and Pensions commissioned a telephone survey with a representative sample of 3,000 employers who had placed a vacancy with Jobcentre Plus between 1 September and 30 November 2011. The focus of this report is on the main strategic findings of that research.

  • Jobcentre Plus Employer Satisfaction and Experience Survey 2012: Research Summary

    Pollard E, Behling F, Hillage J, Speckesser S | Aug 2012 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This paper is a summary of DWP Research Report 806, Jobcentre Plus Employer Satisfaction and Experience Survey 2012.

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    A Stepping-Stone to Employment?

    An Evaluation of the Permitted Work Rules - Wave 2

    Dewson S, Davis S, Loukas G | Nov 2004 | Department for Work and Pensions

    Incapacity-related benefits provide people who have to stop working because of illness or disability with a measure of earnings replacement. Under the permitted work rules (introduced in April 2002), incapacity-related benefit claimants may work up to 16 hours per week and earn a set amount each week but for a limited period of time only (a maximum of 52 weeks). The research investigated the characteristics and experiences of the people who make use of the new rules; looked at who does and does not make use of the new permitted work rules; explored the extent to which the new rules provide a 'stepping stone' to employment for clients and explored the use of the new rules by Jobcentre Plus staff.