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  • Effective performance, development and career conversations at work

    Effective performance, development and career conversations at work

    IES Perspectives on HR 2018

    Hirsh W | Apr 2018 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper, the first in the IES 'Perspectives on HR 2018' series, takes a critical look at the widespread exhortation that managers should have more frequent and more effective conversations with employees about their performance, skills and learning, potential and career development.

  • Gender pay: How do you achieve and report parity?

    The case example of FDM Group

    Brown D | Nov 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    How was FDM Group, a global professional services provider, able to achieve a median gender pay gap of zero per cent? This case study report analyses the Company's progress and culture, offering insights for other employers on how to address their own pay gaps.

  • Facing into Change: Culture Call at Immigration Enforcement

    Garrow V | Sep 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This is the third report in the series 'Facing into Change'. This report examines the success of Culture Call as a social movement at Immigration Enforcement.

  • Talent management: Learning across sectors (Executive Summary)

    Hirsh W, Tyler E | Jul 2017 | Leadership Foundation for Higher Education

    This summary offers an overview of the full report, which aimed to help leaders in higher education as they address talent management in their own institutions.

  • Talent management: Learning across sectors

    Hirsh W, Tyler E | Jul 2017 | Leadership Foundation for Higher Education

    This report aims to help leaders in higher education as they address talent management in their own institutions.

  • Event Slides cover

    Slides: Are line managers damaging your employees' health?

    Bevan S | Apr 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Professor Stephen Bevan's slides from IES webinar 'Are line managers damaging your employees' health?', 25 April 2017.

  • Slides: Managing an ageing workforce

    What are the issues for employers and HR

    Cox A | Mar 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Annette Cox's presentation slides from IES HR workshop 'Talkin' 'bout my generation: Ageing and pensions', 23 March 2017.

  • Work... but not as we know it

    IES Perspectives on HR 2017

    Tamkin P | Mar 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Penny Tamkin, editor of the IES Perspectives on HR 2017 series of essays, offers her own take on the year ahead, considering new forms of work and the rise of the Uber and gig economies.

  • Mindfulness in organisations

    Case studies of organisational practice

    Carter A, Tobias J, Spiegelhalter K | Nov 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This IES HR Network paper builds on previous IES work on mindfulness and offers research on the implementation of Mindfulness-Based Interventions.

  • Productivity in the Retail Sector: Challenges and Opportunities

    Strategic Labour Market Intelligence Report

    Cox A, Hay G, Hogarth T, Brown G | Sep 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This study identifies key issues in retail sector productivity, future challenges and priorities for action by business leaders. To complement recent and parallel work being undertaken, it focusses on the challenges and opportunities presented by online retailing and using 'big data' on consumers to develop future retail propositions.