IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.
See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.
Discussant: HR Leadership and sustainable high performance
Brown D, Managing Uncertainty: A new deal? International challenges and the changing face of work. Work, Employment & Society Conference 2010, British Sociological Association, Brighton, September 2010
Chair: Global HR
Reilly P, Managing Uncertainty: A new deal? International challenges and the changing face of work. Work, Employment & Society Conference 2010, British Sociological Association, Brighton, September 2010
Delivering step change
Garrow V, Delivering step change, Career Management Consultants, London Chamber of Commerce, September 2010
Hillage J, Creating 21st Century Apprenticeships: Investigating the Implications for Service Providers and Employers, Westminster Briefing, London, September 2010
Chair: International Challenges in the Employment Relationship
Broughton A, Managing Uncertainty: A new deal? International challenges and the changing face of work. Work, Employment & Society Conference 2010, British Sociological Association, Brighton, September 2010
Chair: Trade Union Organisations – Challenges & Realities
Broughton A, Managing Uncertainty: A new deal? International challenges and the changing face of work. Work, Employment & Society Conference 2010, British Sociological Association, Brighton, September 2010
Chair: Learning, Skills & Vulnerability
Broughton A, Managing Uncertainty: A new deal? International challenges and the changing face of work. Work, Employment & Society Conference 2010, British Sociological Association, Brighton, September 2010
Engaging staff with no money
Brown D, CIPD North London branch seminar, Middlesex University, September 2010
Customers - who are they, what do they want and should HR give it to them?
Reilly P, Human Resource Planning and Performance Measurement in Central Banks, Central Banking Publications, Cambridge, September 2010
Setting health and safety policy
Tyers C, Health and Safety Summer School, Policy, law and good practice, Eversheds, Oxford, September 2010