
IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.

See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.


  • Setting health and safety policy

    Tyers C, Health and Safety Summer School, Policy, law and good practice, Eversheds, Oxford, September 2010

  • Motivation in austere times

    Tamkin P, Leadership and Talent Management 2010; New Era; New Challenges, London, September 2010

  • What Do Researchers Do?

    Pollard E, Hunt W, Vitae Researcher Development Conference 2010, Vitae, Manchester, September 2010

  • Education for employment and life

    Hillage J, British Education Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, BERA, Warwick, September 2010

  • How do we engage reluctant post-16 learners? Some lessons for Raising of the Participation Age (RPA)

    Newton B, Maguire S, British Education Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, BERA, Warwick, September 2010

  • Unlocking learning? Towards evidence-informed policy and practice in education

    Hillage J, British Education Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, BERA, Warwick, September 2010

  • What IES research tells us about change management for the public sector

    Reilly P, Heads of HR Workshop, North West Employers, Bolton, July 2010

  • Confronting and dealing with change in the public sector

    Reilly P, North West Employers' Annual Conference, North West Employers, Bolton, July 2010

  • Public sector pay and performance in a time of financial constraint

    Brown D, Workforce performance and reward in the civil service conference, Civil Service World, London, July 2010

  • Engagement: Involving and Enabling Managers

    Robinson D, Enabling Employee Engagement, Manchester Metropolitan Business School/Manchester CIPD, Manchester, July 2010