IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.
See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.
Showcasing research findings, discussing opportunities, challenges and trends
Pollard E, Universities UK conference: Accelerated degrees: understanding the opportunities, Universities UK, London, June 2017
Strategic change readiness: Proposing a new multi-level construct
Carter A, Tobias J, Bennett J, Singer B, EAWOP 2017: Enabling Change through Work and Organizational Psychology, European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Dublin, May 2017
Brown D, Gender pay gap reporting workshop, Universities & Colleges Employers Association (UCEA), London, May 2017
The longer the better? The impact of the 2012 apprenticeship reform in England on achievement and other outcomes
Speckesser S, CVER Seminar, Centre for Vocational Education Research, London, May 2017
Hirsh W, Reilly P, UCEA Workshop: Attracting and retaining key talent, Universities & Colleges Employers Association, London, May 2017
Rethinking the traditional approach to Level 7 study: if we build it will they come?
Pollard E, SRHE Post-Compulsory and Higher Education Network event: In whose interests? Access, participation and progression in a context of changing configuration of HE, Society for Research into Higher Education, London, May 2017
Barriers and enablers to embedding change in organisations
Carter A, EAWOP 2017: Enabling Change through Work and Organizational Psychology, European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Dublin, May 2017
The Cedefop VET toolkit to tackle early leaving from education and training
Newton B, Nouwen W, Policy learning forum: VET as a solution to leaving education early, Cedefop, Artion Events, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 2017
Local policymakers and institutional level actors measures
Newton B, Policy learning forum: VET as a solution to leaving education early, Cedefop, Artion Events, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 2017
Gender Pay Reporting: Will it work, what will close the gap?
Brown D, Coffee & Comp, Curo, London, May 2017