IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.
See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.
Embracing Immigration?
Pillai R, Encounter Conference: Embracing immigration?, Dublin, 2006
Destination North East? Harnessing the regional potential of migration
Pillai R, Gateshead County Council Conference, Newcastle, 2006
Making Integration Work: The realities and challenges of integration and diversity in the UK
Pillai R, Making Integration Work, Norwegian Directorate of Immigration and Diversity, Oslo, 2006
Mind the Gap. Gender Inequalities and the Women and Work Commission report
Pillai R, Fabian Women's Network, London, 2006
Immigration and integration
Pillai R, Communities and Local Government Select Committee away day, 2006
Destination North East? Harnessing the regional potential of migration
Pillai R, Presentation to select MPs, Westminister, 2006
‘Random Assignments and the issue of generalisability
Speckesser S, Department for Work and Pensions/HM Revenue and Customs, ‘Random Assignment in a Social Policy Context, Government Social Researchers (GSR) Seminar, London, 2006
Co-ordinator and Chair
Meager N, The Employer Training Pilots. Peer Review, EU Mutual Learning Programme of the European Employment Strategy, Sheffield, December 2005
Succession planning: The Myths and the Reality
Hirsh W, East of England Regional Assembly and the Employers Organisatiion for local government, East of England Regional Assembly and the Employers Organisatiion for local government, Robinson College, Cambridge, November 2005
The Impact of Employer Training Pilots
Hillage J, Adult learning - What role for choice and personalisation?, IPPR, London, November 2005