Articles and chapters by IES
IES staff write regularly for press and journals. Browse our latest articles and book chapters below.
Minimum and preferred entry qualifications and training provision for British workers
Miller L, Acutt B, Kellie D, International Journal of Training and Development, Vol. 6 (3), pp. 163-182, 2002
A longitudinal survey of extended roles in radiography
Price R, Miller L, Mellor F, Radiography, Vol. 8, pp. 223-234, 2002
Explaining hand hygiene practice: an extended application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour
Jenner L, Watson P, Miller L, Jones F, Scott G, Psychology, Health and Medicine, Vol. 7(3), pp. 311-326, 2002
European Industrial Relations 2001: Chronicle of Events
Gilman M, Broughton A, Industrial Relations Journal, Vol. 33, No. 4, 2002
Hot Technology, Cool Academics, Innovations in Teaching and Learning Series
Newton B, Paine C, Flowers S, Learning and Teaching Subject Network, Business Management Accountancy, 2002
Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen in Ostdeutschland: Ein Misserfolg der Arbeitsmarktpolitik?’, in, 294,
Fitzenberger B, Speckesser S, Schmähl W (ed.), Soziale Sicherung und Arbeitsmarkt, Schriftenreihe des Vereins für Socialpolitik 294, Berlin (Duncker und Humblodt), 51–81, 2002
Zur wissenschaftlichen Evaluation der Aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik in Deutschland: Ein Überblick
Fitzenberger B, Speckesser S, Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt – und Berufsforschung, 33 (3), 357–371, 2002
The Trainer as Executive Coach
Carter A, Training Journal, Fenman, December 2001
UK Case Studies
Pearson R, Tyers C, Casey, Mahroum, Ducatel, Barre (eds), The Mobility of Academic Researchers, IPTS/ESTO, September 2001
A word with the wise
Hirsh W, Jackson C, Kidd J M, People Management, July 2001