Articles and chapters by IES

IES staff write regularly for press and journals. Browse our latest articles and book chapters below.


  • European Industrial Relations 2003: Chronicle of Events

    Gilman M, Broughton A, Industrial Relations Journal, Vol. 35, No. 4, 2004

  • Models of e-learning: a comparative case study

    Meredith S, Newton B, International Journal of Management Education, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2004

  • Eine ökonomische Einordnung der Förderung der beruflichen Weiterbildung im Rahmen der Aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik’, in,

    Fitzenberger B, Speckesser S, Fitzenberger B, Smolny W, Winker P (eds), Herausforderungen an den Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland, Wirtschaftspolitisches Memorandum aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht, ZEW Wirtschaftsanalysen (72), Baden-Baden (Nomos), 2004

  • The Aggregate Impact of Active Labour Market Policy in Germany and the UK, Evidence from Administrative Data

    Speckesser S, Schmid G, Gangl M, Kupka P (eds), Arbeitsmarktpolitik und Strukturwandel, Empirische Analysen, Nuremberg (Beiträge zur Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung), 2004

  • Literature review on the development of management and leadership capability and its contribution to performance

    Hirsh W, Burgoyne J, Williams S, DfES/DTI Leadership and Management Unit, DfES/DTI Leadership and Management Unit, December 2003

  • Psychological contract: pact to the future

    Garrow V, People Management, December 2003

  • Danger of ‘confusing’ human capital reporting

    Reilly P, People Management, October 2003

  • Key Indicators of Women’s Position in Britain

    Hibbett A, Meager N, Labour Market Trends, Vol. 111 (10), pp. 503-12, October 2003

  • An evaluation of business start-up support for young people

    Meager N, Bates P, Cowling M, National Institute Economic Review, No. 183, October 2003

  • Positive Career Development for Leaders and Managers

    Hirsh W, Leadership in Organizations: Current Issues and Key Trends, Routledge, October 2003