Articles and chapters by IES

IES staff write regularly for press and journals. Browse our latest articles and book chapters below.


  • Graduate Schemes - A Changing Picture

    Connor H, Hirsh W, Barber L, Graduate Market Trends, CSU, Spring 2003

  • How to set up the HR shared services option in your organisation: Part II

    Reilly P, Strategic Business Process Outsourcing Association Bulletin, SBPOA, March 2003

  • Chapter on the United Kingdom

    Reilly P, Social Climate Report, Europe - USA, Enterprise and Personnel, January 2003

  • Minimising waste in the Food and Drink Sector: using the Business Club approach to facilitate training and organisational development

    Hyde K, Miller L, Smith A, Tolliday J, Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 67, pp. 327-338, 2003

  • European Industrial Relations 2002: Chronicle of Events

    Gilman M, Broughton A, Industrial Relations Journal, Vol. 34, No. 4, 2003

  • Models of e-learning: A literature review

    Meredith S, Newton B, International Journal of Management Education, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2003

  • Management Development: an employers’ view

    Carter A, 't' magazine, August 2002

  • Red Tape

    Reilly P, Personnel Management, July 2002

  • Whither the Training Function?

    Carter A, Training Journal, July 2002

  • Additional breakdown by gender of the baseline survey of working age disabled people

    Meager N, In Sickness and in Health: A report exploring women’s access to state and private sector incapacity benefits, Disability Alliance, Disability Alliance, July 2002