Articles and chapters by IES
IES staff write regularly for press and journals. Browse our latest articles and book chapters below.
Exploring Student Finances
Pollard E, Graduate Market Trends, Autumn 2006
Reilly P, People Management, July 2006
Destinations of Scottish graduates
Bates P, Tyers C, Graduate Market Trends, AGR, July 2006
Tomorrow's scientists: where will we find them?
Miller L, Energy and Culture: Perspectives on the Power to Work, Ashgate, Aldershot, July 2006
Discrepancy between self-reported and observed hand hygiene behaviour in healthcare professionals
Jenner EA, Fletcher B, Watson P, Jones FA, Miller L, Scott GM, Journal of Hospital Infection, Elsevier, Vol. 63, 418-422, July 2006
The regional implementation of the Employer Training Pilots in the United Kingdom
Tamkin P, Hillage J, Gerova V, Skills Upgrading: New Policy Perspectives, OECD, June 2006
Book review: Professions, Competence and Informal Learning
Miller L, International Journal of Training and Development, Blackwell, Vol. 10:2, May 2006
Safety in Numbers?
Pillai R, Catalyst, May 2006
Caught in a web: workplace bullying and the implications for HR
Garrow V, Robertson-Smith G, Developing HR Strategy, Croner, May 2006
Known knowns and known unknowns: What can evaluation tell us about labour market impact? John Killeen Commemorative Lecture 2005
Hillage J, Career Research and Development, The NICEC Journal, Spring 2006