Articles and chapters by IES

IES staff write regularly for press and journals. Browse our latest articles and book chapters below.


  • Matching Skills Supply and Demand: The Welsh Approach

    Meager N, Walsh K, Mutual Learning Programme of the European Employment Strategy, European Commission - DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunties, October 2007

  • Making Reward Change Stick

    Brown D, PwC Compensation Review of the Year, October 2007

  • Putting your Money where your Mouth is

    Brown D, PwC Compensation Review of the Year, October 2007

  • Facing up to the Facts

    Reilly P, People Management, September 2007

  • Diversity Agenda

    Brown D, Personnel Today, September 2007

  • Seeking the value of outsourcing

    Reilly P, HR Review, August 2007

  • Total reward encapsulates age-related nuances

    Reilly P, Employee Benefits, August 2007

  • Light the spark

    Tyers C, People Management, July 2007

  • HR and the Law: a dangerous addiction?'

    Brown D, Developing HR Strategy, Croner, July 2007

  • Reward Management: on the line

    Brown D, Compensation and Benefits Review, July 2007