Articles and chapters by IES

IES staff write regularly for press and journals. Browse our latest articles and book chapters below.


  • Pay and engagement: a totally rewarding relationship?

    Brown D, Personnel Today, June 2008

  • The understanding and practice of multiculturalism in the UK

    Pillai R, Hasmuth R (ed.), Multiculturalism: The Great Marketing Strategy? An International Perspective, University of British Columbia Press, June 2008

  • Executive Decisions

    Carter A, The HR and Training Journal, PCSA International, Issue 3, June 2008

  • HR changed, but has the workforce?

    Garrow V, The HR Director, Summer 2008

  • Career development in employing organisations: practices and challenges from a UK perspective

    Hirsh W, Career Research and Development, NICEC, No. 20, Summer 2008

  • Career development in employing organisations: Practices and challenges from a UK perspective

    Hirsh W, Report of Guidance for Workforce Development Conference, CEDEFOP, Summer 2008

  • Vocational Training for People at the Margin of the Labour Market: the Individual Learner Plan - A new approach

    Meager N, Walsh K, Mutual Learning Programme of the European Employment Strategy, European Commission - DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunties, May 2008

  • Facts, not Fear

    Pillai R, The Guardian, April 2008

  • Research topic: engagement

    Robinson D, People Management, April 2008

  • Maintenance workers and asbestos: understanding influences on worker behaviour

    Tyers C, O'Regan S, Bust P D (ed.), Contemporary Ergonomics, 2008, Ergonomics Society, Nottingham University, April 2008