Gender pay gap reporting: full analysis and insight

Past HR Network Event

21 July 2016

View the event slides

Event debrief podcast with Duncan Brown

Event resources

Gender pay gap reporting: Important, undesirable or irrelevant
Duncan Brown

Gender pay reporting: overview
Audrey Williams, Fox Williams LLP

Gender pay as part of a diversity strategy
Karen Gaynor, Siemens plc

Closing the gender pay gap in Higher Education: a sector-wide approach
Laurence Hopkins, Universities and Colleges Employers' Assocaition (UCEA)

IES report for Lewisham Council: The Power of Parity
A study of how Lewisham Council achieved gender equality at senior levels, the learning and implications

This workshop covered such topics as:

  • the legal context and what organisations actually have to report;
  • the causes and solutions to the gender pay gap, nationally and for organisations; and
  • a case study of equal pay auditing and reporting

This event was facilitated by IES Head of HR Consultancy, Duncan Brown, who has written for IES on the subject:


Audrey Williams, Partner at Fox Williams LLP
Employment lawyer with 25 years of experience and particular expertise in equal pay and discrimination.

Karen Gaynor, Head of Compensation and Benefits at Siemens plc
Working at Siemens for the majority of her career, Karen has particular expertise in pay and reward.

Laurence Hopkins, Head of Research at Universitites and Colleges Employers' Association (UCEA)
Having previously worked at the Change Institute, Laurence is now responsible for leading UCEA's research and survey services.

Event details

'We plan to close the gender pay gap within a generation' proclaimed the Prime Minister, last summer. Most of us probably think the European Commission’s estimate of 70 years is more likely, but with the final regulations on compulsory reporting on their way, this HR Network event was a great oportunity to answer some important questions: 

What will your organisation have to report? What will the impact be? What other measures are required to ensure gender pay equality? What is happening in the rest of Europe? Will compulsory equal pay audits follow?

This event offered attendees the opportunity to:

  • Get the latest update on the final reporting regulations and how they should respond and comply, from one of the top employment lawyers in the equality field.

  • Understand how reporting can successfully form part of their wider diversity strategy.

  •  Hear how actions in the Higher Education sector have been successful in significantly reducing the gender pay gap.