Projects and case studies

  • Country case studies for the ILO/World Bank

    IES was commissioned to produce country case studies of the UK and Canadian apprenticeship systems for the ILO/World Bank project on ‘Possible futures for the Indian Apprenticeship system’.

  • Labour Market Transitions of Young People

    The purpose of this assignment was to provide an overview of good practices in selected member states that promote successful school-to-work transitions for both young people in general and those who face specific labour market barriers, notably...

  • EU-OSHA website content review: Phase 2

    This was the second phase of a review of EU-OSHA's website, feeding into the development of the agency's on-line strategy. This phase of the review conducted a qualitative benchmarking review of comparable websites to validate the Agency's...

  • Evaluation of EU-OSHA's use of the European Enterprise Network for passing information on OSH to SMEs

    IES was commissioned by EU-OSHA to evaluate its communication partnership project (CPP), the aim of which is to improve the reach of communication on OSH topics to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across Europe. The evaluation included a...

  • A National Strategic Skills Audit (NSSA) for Wales

    IES was commissioned, together with IER, to produce a National Strategic Skills Audit for the Welsh Government. The audit drew on the most recent sources of labour market data to identify priority skills needs to help learning providers,...

  • Apprenticeships and Gender and Race Equality

    While for many years there has been a policy focus on addressing under-representation in apprenticeships, progress is acknowledged to be slow. There is continued need to focus on inequalities to ensure that all young people can benefit from the...

  • An evaluation of the Leading Large Scale Change Support Programme

    As a follow up to the evaluation of the Academy for Large Scale Change, IES was asked to evaluate a new programme for teams leading large scale change. This involved case studies of team projects as well as assessing the impact on team capability...

  • Research into the feasibility of developing a student satisfaction survey of taught postgraduate higher education courses

    The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) is working with IES to explore the feasibility of developing a student satisfaction survey aimed at those studying taught postgraduate courses. These important students currently lie outside the...

  • Universal credit and self employment

    Universal Credit will provide a new single system of means-tested support for working-age people who are in or out of work. It will also change the way that self employed people are supported by the benefits system since it will require i) monthly...

  • Workshop on building employee engagement and workforce productivity

    NHS Employers run a series of workshops to support the Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) workforce agenda. IES delivered an evidence-based, practical session on how to work with individuals' strengths to build employee...