Projects and case studies
Fairness at Work Seminars
IES is collaborating with the Universities of Manchester and Brighton to hold a series of seminars on fairness at work funded by the ESRC. IES will host one of six seminars scheduled to run in 2010-11 covering themes including pay, diversity,...
Worker involvement: evaluating HSE health and safety representative training
IES was commissioned by the Health and Safety Executive to evaluate its training initiatives for employee health and safety representatives, which aimed to increase the number of representatives.In the first instance, we evaluated two pilot...
Slips and Trips Accidents in the Workplace
IES was commissioned by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to evaluate the impact of the Health and Safety Awareness Officers (HSAO) campaign on Slips and Trips accidents in the workplace. The project gathered information about the work...
Provision of an Evidence Review on Regulation Cultures and Behaviours
IES carried out a review for the Food Standards Agency (FSA) to investigate ‘what works’ to secure compliance within food business operators. The emphasis of the review was on the types of cultures and behaviours in businesses and enforcement...
Responses to Tackling Work-related Stress
IES co-ordinated an international comparative survey about social partner responses to tackling work-related stress. It focused on the risk factors and the interventions that have been put into place to try to deal with work-related stress. The...
Moving Goods Safely: an Evaluation of Success
The HSE commissioned IES to evaluate the impact of one of its projects of targeted inspections called ‘Moving Goods Safely 3’ (MGS3). The MGS3 project was a ‘supply chain initiative’ aimed at reducing injury and ill-health arising from the...
Evaluation of a Dual Local Authority and HSE-Staffed Occupational Health Support Service for SMEs
IES was commissioned to evaluate the provision of a regulator-led advice and support service on occupational health and safety issues for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) based in Milton Keynes. The evaluation investigated the...
Mental Health and Employment
IES, in partnership with the Social Policy Research Unit at York University participated in a major project on mental health and employment, for the Department of Work and Pensions. IES looked at employers' policies and practices towards people...
Early Mediation in Occupational Health
The At Work Partnership and IES developed a pilot project to provide occupational health professionals with mediation skills and to evaluate the impact of their intervention in cases of ill-health and injury. IES researchers interviewed experts...
NICE Management of Long-term Sickness
IES supported the work of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the development of guidance on the management of long-term sickness and incapacity for employers and primary care services. A systematic review was...