YEUK Evaluation of youth employment frameworks
Youth Employment UK (YEUK) developed a Youth Friendly Employment Framework, which focusses on five key areas to address the barriers faced by young people entering and progressing in work, and make more high-quality opportunities available to young people. They now want to develop this into a Good Youth Employment Benchmark (with funding from YFF) – an online tool underpinned by high quality evidence. This will enable employers to self-assess and develop their practice. The key aim for the research is to provide evidence as to whether the existing standards in the framework speak to the needs of the youth employment system and, in addition, that employment outcomes for young people can be changed by the achievements of the standards.
IES will conduct desk research into employer use of toolkits and benchmarks and review the YEUK framework. IES will conduct 15 employer interviews (a mix of focus groups and 1-2-1) to understand employers current practice around youth employment and youth employment frameworks.