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  • Are you just paying lip service to diversity?

    Blog posts

    2 Aug 2013

    ‘This month, I have been thinking about diversity and in particular the composition of senior teams and boards. There was a lot of talk around the time of the financial crisis that mixed-composition boards might be more robust with members more willing to challenge each other. But has this chatter actually had any impact on top team composition?'

  • Building on strengths for engagement and performance

    Newsletter articles

    1 Jul 2013

  • How workforce studies can give valuable insights

    Newsletter articles

    1 Jul 2013

    During 2012, IES carried out a study of the Family Nurse workforce on behalf of the Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) National Unit. The brief was to explore workforce issues, especially recruitment, retention and job satisfaction, amongst Family Nurses (FNs) and their Supervisors. The study included an online survey, focus groups, telephone interviews and an analysis of workforce data from the FNP database, where possible making comparisons with nurses, midwives and health visitors working outside the FNP.

  • A new business-workforce planning tool for uncertain times

    Newsletter articles

    1 Jul 2013

    Local councils are right at the sharp end of public sector spending cuts and radically re-thinking what their communities need and how services can best be delivered for the public good. In this context, they need to reposition workforce planning within a correspondingly broader framework.