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  • High-performance AND fulfilling work

    Blog posts

    2 Sep 2013

    ‘I regularly wonder how we can get the best out of people so that they perform as well as they can and so that they enjoy coming to work - and how easy it is for organisations and managers to get it wrong.'

  • Fit note study indicates rise of mental health disorders

    Newsletter articles

    1 Sep 2013

    The Statement of Fitness for Work (known as a ‘fit note’), was introduced on 6 April 2010 across England, Wales and Scotland, replacing the previous ‘sick note’. Its aim was to improve communication between individuals, doctors and employers on what a patient could do at work, thereby reducing sickness absence levels.

  • The Healthy Youth Centre pilot: promoting healthy lifestyles in a youth centre setting

    Newsletter articles

    1 Sep 2013

    Youth centres can provide a successful setting for supporting young people in making decisions about many aspects of their health and well-being, according to an evaluation conducted by IES health and well-being researchers. The evaluation looked at a pilot project that promoted health and well-being in four youth centres, resulting in an improvement in young people’s access to advice and information on a range of topics.

  • The development of apprentice wages and the impact of the new apprentice rate of the National Minimum Wage

    Newsletter articles

    1 Sep 2013

    Pay for apprentices in the first year of their apprenticeship, or generally for apprentices under the age of 19, had been exempt from the UK’s National Minimum Wage (NMW) regulation when this was first introduced in 1999. This exemption remained in place when a NMW was introduced for 16-17 year olds in 2004. While some recommendations for minimum weekly earnings levels for apprentices existed in England, a single hourly rate regulated within the NMW framework was only introduced on 1 October 2010.

  • Apprenticeship systems in international comparison

    Newsletter articles

    1 Sep 2013

    New research for the International Labour Organization (ILO) has examined apprenticeship systems in 10 countries around the world, with a view to highlighting key trends and good practice to help India review its apprenticeship system. Although systems vary between countries, there are nevertheless many common features and trends.

  • ESF-supported apprenticeship schemes in EU member states

    Newsletter articles

    1 Sep 2013

    The proven benefits of schemes which combine work and study and allow young people to acquire their first work experience have led to increased recent policy interest at both national and EU levels. As a result, apprenticeships and traineeships have become more prominent in the EU’s employment and youth policies, against the backdrop of increasing youth unemployment. IES has carried out a review of apprenticeship and traineeship schemes across the EU, which highlights the benefits of these schemes.

  • IES Viewpoint: When can we expect some light at the end of the UK jobs tunnel?

    Newsletter articles

    1 Sep 2013

    We last looked at the state of the UK labour market in this column just over two years ago. We noted then that there was little sign of a return to prerecession unemployment levels. Two years on, we can perhaps be forgiven a certain Groundhog Day feeling.

  • Heading to zero?

    Blog posts

    5 Aug 2013

    ‘I have long since taken the view that politician and media hype on flexible labour markets has got in the way of finding benefit in flexible work arrangements.'