IES staff are very active beyond the commissioned project work they do, with national and international speaking and chairing engagements.
See any of our researchers’ individual activities on their profile pages.
Member of a Discussion Panel on Strategic development of TECs - How to Best Fulfil TEC Mission Objectives
Meager N, Strategic TEC Development, AIC Conferences, London, January 1996
Will accreditation of work-based learning facilitate parity of treatment and improve pay and development prospects for women?
Miller L, Presented at 'Trade Unions, Universities and Work-Based Learning: meeting the challenges of employees' life-long learning, Middlesex University Conference, QEII Centre, London, 1996
Meeting Service Needs Through Continuing Professional Development
Miller L, Radiology UK, Birmingham, 1996
Balancing Individual and Corporate Needs in Career Development
Hirsh W, New Strategies for Career Management, TCC/GHN/Human Resources, London Kensington Hilton, December 1995
The Role of Competences in Career Development
Hirsh W, Maintaining Two-way Loyalty, Careers Research Forum, London, November 1995
Measuring the Personnel Function
Hirsh W, Greater London Employers Association seminar, Greater London Employers Association, November 1995
Arbeitsmarktpolitik fur Existenzgrunder: Internationale Erfahrungen der Existenzgrundngsforderung von Arbeitsolosen
Meager N, Discussion Paper FS1 95-209, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin fur Sozialforschung, November 1995
What's so Important about Encouraging Individuals to take Responsibility for Success?
Hirsh W, Herriot P, Achieving Individual and Business Growth: Implications for Organisations, CRAC/NICEC, London, July 1995
How do We Plan for Goal Posts Moving Again? So: What of the Future?
Hirsh W, Achieving Individual and Business Growth: Implications for Organisations, CRAC/NICEC, London, July 1995
How the concept of the career has changed and what are the organisational implications
Hirsh W, ETPD, Education Training and Personnel Development, Birmingham, July 1995