Articles and chapters by IES

IES staff write regularly for press and journals. Browse our latest articles and book chapters below.


  • Public sector RemCos: the goods, the bads and the hows

    Brown D, IDS Executive Compensation Review, Incomes Data Services, February 2010

  • The Gendered Implications of Corporate Value Change

    Hebson G, Cox A, Gender Work and Organization, Vol. 17, No.1, January 2010

  • Employee development: The role of the line manager

    Robinson D, Hirsh W, HR Zone, January 2010

  • Creating engaging managers: is it HR's job?

    Robinson D, Human Resources, January 2010

  • Total reward is a capital idea

    Reilly P, Strategic HR Review, Emerald, Vol. 9, No. 1, January 2010

  • 10 Checklist: effective succession planning

    Hirsh W, Edge Magazine, January 2010

  • The year ahead: personal hopes for reward management in 2010

    Brown D, Human Resources, December 2009

  • Pay freezes: is what's good for the private good for the public sector?

    Brown D, Public Sector Executive, December 2009

  • Strategic Benefits Forum

    Chubb C, Pay and Benefits Magazine, December 2009

  • Business benefits from coaching and why employers don't get enough of them

    Carter A, Coaching At Work, CIPD, November 2009