Articles and chapters by IES

IES staff write regularly for press and journals. Browse our latest articles and book chapters below.


  • Local NHS pay negotiations: beware raiders of the lost cause

    Brown D, Health Service Journal, November 2010

  • Vers un cadre européen pour des restructurations socialement responsables (Towards a European framework for responsible restructuring)

    Broughton A, Liaisons Sociales Europe, Groupe Liaisons, No. 263, November 2010

  • A fair share

    Brown D, Pay and Benefits Magazine, Reed, November 2010

  • Recession brings radical thinking

    Reilly P, HR & Business, November 2010

  • Workforce planning in action

    Hirsh W, HR and Business, HR Society, November 2010

  • How do I help my employees through a recession?

    Garrow V, The Grapevine, October 2010

  • Expert's View

    Garrow V, Thought Leadership Report 2010, Career Management Consultants, October 2010

  • Leading through others: Empirical research on what makes an outstanding leader

    Tamkin P, Developing Leaders, October 2010

  • Employment of disabled people in Norway and the United Kingdom. Comparing two welfare regimes and why this is difficult

    Inger Lise Skog Hansen, Tone Alm Andreassen, Nigel Meager, Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, Taylor & Francis, October 2010

  • Shared services: Going Dutch

    Meijerink J, Reilly P, People Management, September 2010