What we know about
Our research and consultancy expertise covers a wide range of employment and human resource management topics.
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Education and the path to employment
Compulsory and pre-16 education to post-16 choices, plus transitions to employment.
Employee engagement
Employee motivation and commitment, and their relationship with performance and wellbeing.
Employee relations and employment conditions
The employer/employee relationship and the changing nature of work and the workplace.
Equality and diversity
Disadvantage and inequality in the labour market and in the workplace.
Health, work and wellbeing
What makes the workplace healthier and safer and contributes to employee wellbeing?
Higher education and graduates
The student experience, the graduate labour market and the future of higher education.
The HR function
The HR function - its structure, capability and effectiveness in changing times.
In-company learning and development
Individual and collective learning and development programmes in workplaces.
Management and leadership development and what makes leaders outstanding.
Organisational change-readiness
Managing change and change-readiness for the future.
Pay and reward
How people are remunerated and the links to organisational performance.
Performance management
Strategies and processes to develop and manage employee performance.
Skill demand and utilisation
The skills people and organisations need at work and how they can be deployed.
Talent, succession and careers
Talent management, career development and succession planning.
Unemployment and welfare
Active labour market policies to reduce unemployment and economic inactivity.
Workforce planning and labour market change
The future workforce and labour supply and the importance of forecasting.