Commission on the Future of Employment Support
This Commission on the Future of Employment Support has been managed by IES in partnership with abrdn Financial Fairness Trust. The Commission has been a two-year investigation comprising extensive evidence gathering and analysis, public polling and co-design of proposals for reform.
Working for the Future: Final report of the Commission on the Future of Employment Support
This report is the final output from the Commission on the Future of Employment Support, launched in November 2022 by the Institute for Employment Studies and abrdn Financial Fairness Trust. Over the last two years, it has conducted the largest consultation and evidence-gathering on our system of employment support in at least a generation.
Webinar recording & slides: Working for the Future launch event
This recording is from the in-person event for the launch of the final report of our two-year research project, Working for the Future, led by the Commission on the Future of Employment Support, in partnership with abrdn Financial Fairness Trust.
Working for the Future: Launch report for the Commission on the Future of Employment Support
This report launches a new Commission on the Future of Employment Support, which IES is providing the secretariat for and is being funded by abrdn Financial Fairness Trust.
Employment and Opportunity in the UK
This paper is being published to accompany a new Commission on the Future of Employment Support, which IES is providing the secretariat for and is being funded by abrdn Financial Fairness Trust.
The Commission on the Future of Employment Support: Call for evidence: summary of responses
This document is a summary of the emerging themes from the Commission on the Future of Employment Support Call for Evidence.
Webinar & slides: Working for the Future
Slides and a webinar recording that introduces our new Commission on the Future of Employment Support.